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Master Li Put Out a Fire and Saved Our Family

Aug. 1, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Behind my house is a stretch of barren mountain land with a large grove of wild bamboo. We cut down the grove every year, but it keeps growing back, and it would grow right over our fence if we left it alone.

On the afternoon of March 9, 2024, my husband got off work early, so we went to the back of our house to cut the wild bamboo. When we got there, I started cutting, while my husband cleared away the dead bamboo and weeds. He eventually set them on fire with a lighter, as there were too many to cut.

When I turned around and saw the fire, I told him that he should not have done this. Almost instantly, the flames rose wildly and the bamboo burned with a vivid crackling sound. Realizing the imminent danger, as a Falun Dafa practitioner, I immediately shouted the auspicious phrases loudly, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”, and asked Master Li to save us. Meanwhile, I quickly cleared away the dry weeds and bamboo nearby and cut out an isolation strip in an attempt to contain the fire.

My husband was stunned by the fierce fire. When he saw me cutting out an isolation strip, he started to make it wider with a hoe from the other side. It was a very dangerous situation as the area was surrounded by wild bamboo and hay, and a bamboo forest was not far away. It was a dry and sunny day as well.

I kept repeating “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” The fire that spread onto the isolation strip gradually became smaller and soon died out. The fire that had spread to the lower area and caught a big dead tree lying on the ground also started to subside, and went out by itself. I put my hands together in front of my chest and thanked Master Li for his compassionate salvation.

Some of my friends, who were not Dafa practitioners, came out to the grove to see what had happened with the fire. They were quite amazed to discover that the big fire and dead tree had actually burned out on their own! In addition, there was no source of water available to extinguish the fire. From their hearts our friends said, “It was definitely your Master who put out the fire and saved your family!”