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Assisting Master in Fa Rectification and Fulfilling My Vow

July 9, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Li Yuan in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I used to suffer from many illnesses before I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. I had rheumatoid spondylitis, which caused me to develop a hunchback at a young age. I also had gynecological diseases and many other chronic ailments. I often caught colds and had fevers, and was in pain almost every day. I sought medical treatment, and tried many forms of Qigong and folk remedies. I spent a lot of money, but nothing worked.

I was fortunate to get a copy of the precious book Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, in January 1998. I couldn’t stop reading it once I opened it. I forgot to eat and sleep, and finished it in one sitting. It was almost dawn by the time I finished reading the entire book. When I finished reading Zhuan Falun, I felt like a completely different person, and my entire worldview had changed.

I found a group practice site as soon as I could. I wanted to do the exercises and watch Master’s Fa lecture videos. Master helped cleanse my body. I had diarrhea every day, but I didn’t feel any discomfort. Within a month, all my illnesses disappeared, my back became straight, and I was energetic. I was so happy.

I had a high fever not long after I began to practice Dafa, and felt as if I had a very bad cold. I lay on my bed, and could soon feel Falun spinning from my head to my toes. I fell asleep, and when I woke up at dawn my fever was gone.

I cooked a pot of porridge one night in 2003. When I took it off the stove, the handle broke and the pot flipped over, falling on my feet, along with all the boiling porridge. I was just wearing a pair of flip-flops. My family quickly ran tap water to wash off the porridge. I checked my feet and found that they were not hurt. The skin wasn’t red and I didn’t feel any pain. It was really miraculous. It was Master who helped me get through this tribulation.

Materials Production Site Running for 20 Years

I have been operating a truth-clarification materials production site in my home since 2003. It has been serving its role of helping Master to save people for over 20 years.

In addition to providing materials for my own distribution, I also produced materials for several other practitioners. I also provided technical support for local and rural practitioners at other small material production sites, such as installing computer systems, repairing minor computer problems, repairing machines, purchasing mobile phones, and installing software for making recorded messages.

I had a normal daytime job and used my time in the evenings to produce materials. I also studied the Fa, did the exercises, and did household chores. I found that my schedule was too tight, so I decided to apply for early retirement. My manager said that I would lose more than 10,000 yuan a year and asked me to reconsider. But I stuck to my decision. This gave me much more time. I took over issuing statements and sending articles to the appropriate websites for fellow practitioners.

I often took the bus to buy consumables and other supplies, and tried not to trouble other practitioners. I just carried things in large and small bags on and off the buses. Sometimes, I went to Beijing by bus with other practitioners to purchase supplies. When we purchased heavy things, such as CDs, toner, or ink, we would carry them together on and off the buses.

Not Forgetting My Mission When Forced to Leave Home

In the lead-up to the summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008, the police began to harass Dafa practitioners as early as January that year. They came to my home three times to search for computers and went through every room. According to an insider at the police station, I was on the blacklist, which had the names of practitioners the police were going to arrest.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, I took the train to the city where my child was in college, and stayed there. It was 5 a.m. on the 15th day after the Chinese New Year. Even though I was in a new place and didn’t know anyone, I didn’t rest at all. I downloaded articles from the Minghui website, assembled them into truth-clarification packets, and distributed them in the community. I went out every morning to clarify the truth and help people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. I came back in the afternoon to study the Fa, memorize the Fa, and do the exercises. It took me five months to memorize Zhuan Falun the first time.

I met an elderly lady in a supermarket, chatted with her and told her the truth about Falun Dafa. She was very grateful, so she quit the Young Pioneers. I asked her to remember that Falun Dafa is good.

Another time, I got off the bus and met a couple. I talked with them and immediately knew they were from Beijing. I told them the truth about Falun Dafa. They listened to me and quit the CCP.

I felt there were many things I had to do at home, so I decided to return on July 3. It was still before the Olympics, and the CCP was madly persecuting Dafa practitioners.

After I got home, I found two people sitting by the gate of the community, with motorcycles next to them. They were often there watching me in the days that followed. Maybe because I had no fear, Master helped me resolve the tribulation and they did not do anything to me.

I went to the big market to look for other practitioners. As soon as I got there, I ran into a practitioner who had picked up materials from me before. She said that she had not seen the Minghui Weekly or other truth-clarification materials for a long time. I agreed to provide them to her, and set a time and place to meet.

Other practitioners suggested that I wait until after the Olympics, but I thought I should not stop, because we couldn’t stop saving sentient beings, and we could not stop cultivating. I believed in Master and the Fa, and did everything as usual. I printed Master’s lectures, the Minghui Weekly, and booklets for clarifying the truth, and took them to fellow practitioners. Even during the so-called sensitive dates, I did not stop clarifying the truth.

Looking Inward for the Reasons Why I Was Persecuted

One night in March 2014, three of us were arrested when distributing truth-clarification materials in the countryside. We were taken to the local police station. The next morning, our homes were ransacked. The police didn’t find anything in the other two practitioners’ homes, but from my home, they took away computers, printers, CD burners, CDs, paper, ink, and other items.

A police lead told me that they took away three van loads from my home. I was a bit overwhelmed and had erroneous thoughts: “This situation is so bad. It’s over for me.” I accepted the persecution and followed the path arranged by the old forces. I was put into a detention center, and six months later, was illegally sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years.

I had no knowledge about law at that time. I just thought the CCP would never abide by the law when it came to Falun Dafa, so I just wanted to admit my bad luck. Later, through a lot of Fa study and reading many articles published on the Minghui website about using the law to clarify the truth and save sentient beings, I realized that practicing Falun Dafa and distributing materials are totally legal and not against the Constitution, and in fact, persecuting Dafa practitioners is illegal. I didn’t clarify the truth in this regard, and mistakenly accepted the persecution, which led to the severe persecution I suffered.

At the detention center and lying on a hard bed one night, I calmed down and thought that I must have major loopholes in my cultivation that caused me to be in this place. I reflected on my cultivation state before then: I was often exhausted, and took doing things as cultivation. When it was time to send forth righteous thoughts, I couldn’t put down the work I was doing, so I often missed the time for righteous thoughts. When it was time to do the exercises in the morning, I couldn’t get up because I slept late, so I would just tell myself I would do it the next day. But, the next morning I would tell myself the same thing. I only studied the Fa at group Fa study twice a week, and could not keep up with it at other times. I just did things day after day like this, and took doing things as cultivation. In fact, there are many examples in articles on the Minghui website about practitioners being persecuted because of this, but I just didn’t learn my lesson.

Minghui required that the XP operating systems be changed to Windows 7 in the second half of 2013, and fellow practitioners asked me to do it for them. I was not doing well with technical work. I was very slow. As a result, there were many computers piled up in my place waiting to be worked on. I just kept updating them one by one every day, and failed to persist in studying the Fa and doing the exercises. I was exhausted physically and mentally.

I went to the home of a technical practitioner and we even talked about my cultivation state. But I just wanted to finish these things and then study the Fa and do the exercises more. It turned out that I was arrested a few days later.

When I first arrived at the detention center, my righteous thoughts were not strong. I even thought: I can finally take a rest.

It is ridiculous when I think about it now, but I had a big loophole in my cultivation. I didn’t listen to Master’s words and didn’t do what Master asked us to do, so the evil factors took advantage of me.

Not Forgetting to Save Sentient Beings During Tribulation

When I was in the detention center, I recited the Fa whenever I could. I also clarified the truth to people in the cell and helped them quit the CCP. Almost everyone agreed. I wrote down the list of names and asked my lawyer to take them to fellow practitioners.

When newcomers arrived in the cell, I would clarify the truth to them individually and help them quit the CCP. One of them said, “I always thought Falun Dafa was bad. Now I know how great Falun Dafa is.”

It has been more than eight years since I was released from the detention center. I have remembered Master’s words to study the Fa more, and do the three things well. Studying the Fa is crucial. I now know to be diligent. I read through two lectures of Zhuan Falun every day: one in the morning after sending forth righteous thoughts, and one in the evening. I go out to clarify the truth in the morning, and study Master’s other lectures for two hours in the afternoon. In order to put the Fa into my heart, I also began to memorize the Fa. I persist in doing the exercises every morning, including doing the second exercise for an hour.

Now, when making truth-clarification materials, I also promote Gan Jing World with practitioners in my area. I will walk the last part of my cultivation journey well, closely follow the progress of Master’s Fa-rectification, cultivate diligently, do what Master asks us to do, and fulfill my prehistoric vows.