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Firmly Believing in Master and Dafa

July 8, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) It rained all the time during February last year, which made it more difficult for practitioners to clarify the truth to people. So many people were missing predestined opportunities to be saved. I thought, “No matter how heavy the rain is, I will go out to save them.” Master happened to publish the article “How Humankind Came To Be” at the time, and I needed to go out to help people understand the meaning of the article.

A Fall on the Bus Leads to a Comminuted Fracture 

At 11:00 a.m. one day, I remembered it was time for our group Fa study. I hurried to get on a bus. The driver started the bus and suddenly braked before I could grab the railing. It felt like I was forcefully pushed to the ground. I heard the sound of a bone fracturing and asked Master to help me.

The driver stopped the bus, and someone helped me up. My right leg felt like it was separated from my body. After I sat down, I told the driver, “I’m okay. Please take me home.” The driver asked other passengers to get off the bus so he could drive me home. But when I started to get off the bus, I couldn’t control my leg, and the pain was excruciating.

The driver said, “Auntie, you must go to the hospital to take an x-ray.” I clarified the truth to him, telling him that I practice Falun Dafa, and our Master tells us to be considerate of others. It was an accident, and I would not make things difficult for him. I asked him to remember, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

The driver parked the bus and called a taxi to take me to the hospital for an x-ray. I thought to myself, “I’ll just have an x-ray done and then go home.” The film showed a comminuted leg fracture. The bus driver said the injury was serious and asked me to call home. I told him my daughter’s phone number. It was one o’clock in the afternoon. My daughter was frightened when she got the call, but I told her not to worry. Since the driver and I had not had lunch yet, I asked my daughter to bring us some food. 

While taking the x-ray, the doctor said, “You’re enduring a lot. Others would have been screaming in pain, but you didn’t even moan!” I really didn’t feel any pain, as Master bore it for me. I’m grateful to Master from the bottom of my heart.

My son-in-law was a surgeon at a major hospital, so they called an ambulance to take me there. I was asked to undergo many examinations. I’ve been practicing Falun Dafa for more than 20 years and never had a checkup. However, because my practitioner husband had died of illness karma, my daughter and son-in-law had a negative impression of Dafa. To prevent them from having any further negative thoughts, I begged Master, “Cover up the areas where there is karma. I’ll leave everything to You!” I asked Master to let every exam be normal. As a result, everything was indeed normal. The surgery on my leg was performed that night. The bus driver had tears in his eyes and made the gesture of heshi (pressing his palms together in front of his chest) when he left.

The doctor said it would take three months before I could walk after the operation. I thought, “I’m a cultivator and cannot accept his prognosis.” I started walking after 20 days. The doctor scolded me, but I walked around again after he left my room.

Three days after the surgery, I started practicing the exercises in bed. I sent righteous thoughts every hour and listened to Master’s lectures whenever I had time. I also kept looking within: “Why did I encounter such a great tribulation? In 2020, I fell and fractured my left hand while riding a bus. Now, two years later, I fell again and fractured my right leg. There must be a reason for these falls.”

After searching, I found I had been too obsessed in the past few years with taking the bus. I had to take care of my husband when he was suffering from illness karma, and I also had to go out to clarify the truth, go shopping and cook, and do the three things. Time was tight! I thought it would be convenient to take the bus for free [for seniors] to go to the cheaper market. I would often have the same mindset for taking the bus when clarifying the truth. This was my attachment to money!

Maybe the old forces grabbed hold of this attachment and gave me this tribulation. They conjured up such a scenario to persecute me, to see how big my attachment was, and whether I could get rid of it.

I immediately sent righteous thoughts after I realized this: “I won’t take any of the money the bus company paid me.” I told my two daughters, “This is trouble caused by my not doing well, my not being righteous enough. I will not accept the compensation money.” My daughters knew that since I’m a cultivator, I must hold myself to high standards. They agreed, “As long as they pay your medical expenses, the rest will be forgiven!”

Master said, 

“Whatever you experience during your cultivation—whether good or bad—is good, for it comes about only because you are cultivating.” (“To the Chicago Fa Conference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

This was a great tribulation on my path of cultivation. I was discharged from the hospital a month later. At home, I studied and memorized the Fa, and I also did the exercises. For the second exercise (Falun Standing Stance), I started by putting my weight on one foot. It was very difficult to put weight on the injured leg, so I increased the weight standing on it every five to ten minutes, telling myself that I had to continue to move forward. 

I persisted even when my leg was very swollen. I had no choice but to follow the path arranged by Master. Moreover, Master gave me a hint to endure hardship while eliminating karma. I resumed my routine of holding my arms up in the four positions for an hour in the morning and evening every day.

I then faced the problem of sitting in the full lotus position (each legs crossed over the other) during the sitting meditation. I thought, “I’m a Dafa disciple, I have thousands of cultivation mechanisms that Master has given me. I will not acknowledge things such as steel plates and screws in me; they will be reduced to nothing! I firmly believe in Master and Dafa, and there is nothing I can’t overcome!”

As I’m 74 years old, it was difficult for me to accomplish all this. At first, I could not last for one minute. I would feel pain in every cell of my body. However, I would just grit my teeth and persevere, increasing the time minute by minute. I kept reciting, ““When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.”” (“Lecture Nine” in Zhuan Falun)

I asked Master to reinforce my righteous thoughts every day. After persisting for about 20 days, I could meditate for more than 30 minutes. I believed that I would break through to the one-hour mark soon.

Clarifying the Truth and Saving People Is My Mission

Ever since Master asked us to clarify the truth and save people, I never stopped doing so, regardless of the extreme weather. I would dress neatly and appropriately, my heart would be full of compassion, gratitude, and the desire to save the sentient beings. I walked the streets and alleys briskly. I was in the flow of helping Master to rectify the Fa and save sentient beings! 

I recently injured my thigh and was unable to go out to clarify the truth. I felt guilty and was apologetic to Master. After four months, I resumed my routine of going out every day. When I went out for the first time, I communicated with my right thigh: “You cannot limp when I walk; you need to maintain the image of a Dafa disciple. You’ve been assimilating to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and helping Master to save people over the years. You also have mighty virtue. Especially at this time, you must cooperate with me to complete the mission.” When I went out, fellow practitioners said that I walked the same as before.

Throughout my 20 years of cultivation, my greatest realization is I firmly believe in Master and Dafa. I’ve gone through twists and turns, and bumps and falls. Decades have passed by in a flash, but I could not have made it without Master’s protection.

I have endured hardship and poverty since childhood. For other practitioners, it seems easy for them to cultivate to get rid of the attachment to self-interest, but it’s been difficult for me. It’s time for me to wake up now. I must not let anything become a stumbling block on my path of cultivation. Only by behaving according to Dafa’s principles can I cleanse all the bad things in me.

Time is really running out, and there are not many opportunities for Dafa disciples to cultivate. We need to do well in our every word and deed. Master hopes that all of us can cultivate into divine beings. We must firmly believe in Master and Dafa. There will always be tests and obstacles in cultivation. At critical moments, we need to remember that we are Dafa disciples, do the three things well, and follow Master to return home.

Please correct me if there are any mistakes in my understanding. Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!