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Recalling Falun Dafa’s Introduction to My Hometown

July 6, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Before I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995 I had many chronic illnesses, including low-grade fever, insomnia, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. I tried all sorts of treatments, but nothing helped. I had three young children and had to work to support my family. I felt exhausted every day.

One day, my cousin asked me to join her to watch Master Li’s (the founder of Falun Dafa) lecture series. She told me that this practice was a method for cultivating both the body and mind and that some people had their illnesses resolved.

Even though I was skeptical, I called a person in my village who had a urinary fistula to join me and suggested that we “give it a try.” We went to my cousin’s home that night.

Three of my cousin’s relatives were also there, and they all practiced Falun Dafa. As soon as the video began, I felt someone pressing firmly on my chest, and I felt cold and shaky all over. I told them that I had to go home because I felt awful.

They all smiled and told me that I had a predestined relationship with Falun Dafa and I felt that way because Master was cleansing my body. So, I sat back down and finished watching the first lecture.

I slept extremely well that night, which pleasantly surprised me. I watched the rest of the lecture series every day for nine days. While watching the videos, I sometimes fell asleep without realizing it, but I heard everything Master said clearly, without missing a single word. I thought it was strange—how could I hear everything even though I was asleep?

I sometimes shivered and felt cold while watching the videos. But the amazing thing was that I no longer had a low-grade fever, and my asthma was gone. After practicing the exercises for about a month, all my illnesses disappeared. I felt light and energetic.

The villager with the urinary fistula started vomiting as soon as she left my cousin’s house that first night. She vomited several times on the way home. Not long after she began studying the Fa and practicing the exercises, her urinary fistula disappeared.

Our stories amazed the entire village and many people began practicing Falun Dafa. People from other villages also came to learn, and word spread from person to person throughout the townships, towns, counties, and cities around us. Falun Dafa gradually became a household name in our area, and one after another, Falun Dafa exercise sites were set up. People could be seen exercising in the parks and squares every morning.

Our township was the first and most populated area in our county to practice Falun Dafa. Sometimes 300 to 400 people did the exercises together, and they were very enthusiastic about practicing. Wind, rain, or snow did not stop us. I remember there were times when the snow was up to our calves, but we still practiced the exercises.

My husband developed a lump on his neck, and he started to practice. The lump soon disappeared. We now coordinate well and do the three things Master asks us to do.