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Surviving a Gas Explosion Unscathed

July 5, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I have experienced numerous miracles in my more than 20 years of cultivation in Falun Dafa. However, the miracle witnessed by my son and I recently was exceptional.

One evening in February 2024 my son, a Dafa practitioner, and I were about to prepare dinner. As soon as the wok was hot and I stir-fried the vegetables, I heard a loud sound, and then the stove and the wok shot up into the air. Other pots nearby were also blown up. I was shocked to discover that the liquefied gas tank had exploded!

In the kitchen, the ceiling over the stove and the aluminum bracket were damaged and dangled in the air. The window glass was shattered, and the window frames were mangled. The living room door lock was broken. The shock wave also shattered the glass window of one bedroom, and sent the pieces directly out into the street. Fortunately, no passersby were hurt. The window frame of the living room was also badly damaged.

This loud explosion caused neighbors and building security guards to rush to my house. The neighbors downstairs had heard the loud explosion, and saw a fireball emerge from the building. They also felt the building shake.

Since I was in the center of the explosion, after the neighbors left I checked myself over for any injuries. But I was not affected except for a few burned hairs and a few burn holes in my apron. My son was standing next to me during the explosion, and he was unscathed as well.

Later, the neighbors talked about the incident. Some felt that our ancestors must have accumulated great virtue for us to be so fortunate. But I knew clearly that it was Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, who saved our lives in that critical moment.