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Recognize the Danger: Eliminating Mobile Phone Obsession

July 4, 2024 |   By Dafa disciple Sheng Jie in Shanxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) There was a period of time recently, where I was obsessed with and couldn’t stay away from my mobile phone. I would look at it whenever I had time, and although I knew it was an attachment, I still could not let go. I was gradually trapped by the filthy substances and couldn’t get out. The addiction became a major obstacle on my cultivation path, making it difficult to break free from its control.

It took hold of me, and my mind was filled with what I was viewing on the phone. I fell deeper and deeper into it, and those images even appeared as I did the exercises. They later even showed up when I was studiying the Fa.

When I looked into the root cause, I discovered that I was treating Fa study and practicing the exercises as formalities. I was merely performing tasks, and wasn’t taking the Fa to heart.

Consequently, even though I spent two-and-a-half hours daily doing the exercises, I couldn’t enter into tranquility and was sometimes half-conscious doing the sitting meditation. I studied the Fa every day, but sometimes my mind would wander off and I would be distracted. I didn’t understand Master’s teachings or remember the Fa principles. What I call the “phone demon,” exploited my loophole, and I allowed my attachment to go unchecked.

How could I cultivate like this? I was not improving my character, and was no different from an ordinary person, and couldn’t guard my thoughts, words, or actions.

As a cultivator, being addicted to the mobile phone indicated that I was indulging in and following human notions, acknowledging the bad elements, accepting the interference and influence of the CCP’s evil specter, slacking off in cultivation, and weakening the righteous thoughts in doing the three things. The “phone demon” is truly harmful to Dafa cultivators! It’s easy to fall into the old forces trap if we aren’t careful.

When I searched inward, I wondered why I went back and forth, and failed to quit the addiction. Why couldn’t I treat cultivation as a serious matter, and cherish this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Why couldn’t I treasure the Fa? I realized that it was because I valued my comfort and didn’t put Dafa first. I was using the Fa to pursue the pleasures in life.

After finding the root cause, I got upset, and was angry with myself. A thought came to mind, “Why don’t I eliminate the interference with righteous thoughts?” Master must have seen my wish and lent me a hand.

I concentrated on Fa study, and eliminated the interference with righteous thoughts. Studying the Fa earnestly strengthened my righteous thoughts and faith. As my understanding of the Fa deepened, I became able to study the Fa calmly, and knew how to cultivate.

Master wants us to truly understand the principles of the Fa, improve our xinxing, and meet the requirements of the Fa at different levels. Studying the Fa well is the magical tool that can help us overcome difficulties, eliminate our attachments, get rid of our CCP indoctrination, and guide us in cultivation. Dafa is the sacred spring that purifies us, and the ladder that leads us out of the mortal world.

As I write this article, I acknowledge that the images that once occupied my mind have disappeared, and my mind is now clear. It appears as if my phone addiction is gone. Dafa helped a lost cultivator return to the righteous path.