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My Room Was Full of Spinning Faluns

July 31, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province China

(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, a traditional Chinese spiritual discipline for mind and body, in 1998. A lot of amazing things have happened to me since then. I would like to share two of them.

I Saw Faluns Spinning All Around Me

I lost my mother when I was five. I never went to school. Instead, I worked with my father in the fields every day. No matter how hard we worked, what we earned was barely enough to support the family. I developed a hard-working, strong, and unyielding character. 

After I got married, whenever I was angry with my husband, the conflict and hostility we held resulted in us not speaking to each other, sometimes for up to a month. I didn’t get along with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and always felt that they had wronged me. The anger prevented me from sleeping every night. Since I couldn’t read or write, I always felt inferior and often thought I was treated unfairly. At that time, my health was not good. My legs were often cold.

One day my husband came home extremely happy from a trip. He told me that he had finally found the true meaning of life after he read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. He said, “I will cultivate Falun Dafa from now on.” When I heard “cultivate,” I thought of monks who abandoned their families. I was disgusted, “Why are you talking nonsense after a trip?” He ignored me and started to meditate. I ignored him, I didn’t even want to look at him.

During the next few days he was always reading the book. I became angry and yelled at him, “All you do is read that book and meditate.” He was silent. I became even angrier and started to cry. I said, “Where is your Master, I will believe you if I can see him.”

Immediately, it felt like cold water beginning at the top of my head, flowing to my toes, and all my anger was gone. I saw whimsical Faluns (law wheels) in my room of many sizes and colors. I couldn’t believe what I saw and rubbed my eyes. The Faluns surrounded me, spinning clockwise and counter-clockwise. Actually at that moment, I didn’t know they were Faluns, but I thought they looked similar to the pin my husband had. I looked at the Faluns and felt my heart was never so peaceful. I didn’t know how long it took for them to gradually disappear. I said to myself, “I believe in Master now.”

Then my husband said to me, “How about I teach you how to do the meditation?” I agreed. Unexpectedly I could cross my legs in the lotus position easily. For half an hour, I felt my whole body was surrounded by peace.

Since then, I listened to Master’s lectures and did the exercises every day. I followed the principles “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” in my daily life. Without realizing it, I fell asleep easily, and my legs were now warm. I learned how to look inward whenever conflicts happened and my husband and I never talked to each other out of anger. I no longer felt I was being treated unfairly. I was always happy.

Regaining My Health

The intervals between my periods became short in 2008, and with each period I had an abnormally large amount of menstrual blood. At that time, I had only one thought in my mind, that it was an illusion because practitioners wouldn’t be sick, and it was Master helping me eliminate my karma. 

I had a heavy workload at work every day, and my legs were weak and I couldn’t catch my breath when I went up the stairs. However, I never doubted Master and Dafa. The situation had been going on for several years, and people around me tried to persuade me to have a checkup. I remembered what Master said in lecture one of Zhuan Falun

“We are purifying your body, and the term is not “healing illness,” either. We just call it “purifying the body,” and we clean out the bodies of true cultivators.”

I thanked them for their advice but was determined to not go to the hospital.

One day when I was chopping vegetables, I cut my finger, but surprisingly it didn’t bleed, just a little yellow water oozed. I was shocked. I looked in the mirror, my lips were pale. I kept reciting Master’s teaching in my mind: 

“Those who enlighten, transcending the world, are reveredThose who earnestly cultivate, sincerely believe in reaching ConsummationIn the midst of great tribulation, one should be steadfastThe will to advance wholeheartedly cannot be altered” ("Steadfast," Hong Yin Volume II)

I was determined in my mind: my cultivation path is arranged by Master, I fully trusted him. I asked Master to help me get through this.

In the evening, my stomach hurt so much that I was perspiring. I leaned on my daughter’s shoulder and couldn’t move. In a trance, I seemed to see three thick grass mats rotating in my body, they also looked like electric wires tangled together. My stomach became even more painful. Suddenly I remembered what Master said in "Master-Disciple Grace" in Hong Yin Volume II, “Disciples’ righteous thoughts are strong, Master has the power to turn the tide.” Amazingly, my stomach stopped hurting and I fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t know how long it was, but I woke up to the anxious cries of my daughter. I told her, “Don’t be afraid, I am fine. Master has eliminated some of my karma.” Because all my family members practice Falun Dafa, they understood my situation and they were happy for me.

Since that day, my body has been totally changed. My face glows, my body is light, and I am always energetic.

So many amazing things have happened to me in my practice over the years. There are no words to express my gratitude to Master.