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A Health Scare Leads Me to Practice Falun Dafa

July 30, 2024 |   By a young Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was about to graduate and I was cleaning my room a few years ago, when I found a certificate of diagnosis stating that a 2 by 2 cm lump was found in the right breast. I thought, “Whose certificate is this?” I looked at the patient’s name. It was me! Memories of my first year in graduate school came back.

I felt a stinging pain in my chest soon after I entered graduate school. My roommate was concerned. She accompanied me to get a physical examination in a small local hospital. The doctor suggested I go to a more specialized hospital in the city. I was worried, but followed the doctor’s advice. A scan showed that I had a lump in my right breast. My doctor said that I could get it removed with a minimally-invasive surgery.

Just hear the word “surgery” scared me, so I asked the doctor if it was possible to avoid it. He said taking medicine was another option, although it might not be as effective. I took a bagful of medicine home that day, which cost me a lot of money. I wasn’t sure if I's made the right choice. When I told my family, my uncle who studied Chinese medicine said, “Come home. I’ll find a good Chinese-medicine doctor for you.”

I asked for a month of leave from my school and returned home. My uncle took me to see a “famous Chinese medicine doctor.” He applied a paste of herbal medicine on my breast and wrapped my upper body with plastic wrap. It was hot summer. I was uncomfortable soaked in the mixture of sweat and herbal medicine, but I managed to persist, hoping to get rid of the lump. To my surprise, the lump got larger after the treatment, and another lump developed in my left breast. Eventually, my breasts, as well as the area between them, became hard. I wanted to cry. Miniamlly-invasive surgery certainly wouldn’t work now! If I had surgery now, wouldn’t the doctor remove both my breasts? I was sad and scared!

I also gave up on taking medicine. My mom said, “You can either take the medicine or practice Falun Dafa with me.”

Mom started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. She had hepatitis B for years. Medical treatments couldn’t cure it, but it disappeared after she practiced Falun Dafa. I grew up knowing that Falun Dafa is great and powerful. I told mom, “I’ll practice Falun Dafa with you.”

I studied the Fa and did the exercises. I learned from the Fa that genuine cultivators don’t have diseases. I considered the pain to be dissolving karma. The lumps got smaller and smaller. Although they hurt occasionally, I ignored it.

My school held another physical exam the next spring. Before I was examined I kept telling myself I was fine. My result was normal. Actually, I had some minor pain right before the examination, but it completely disappeared afterwards. The lump was gone. I was fine!

As time passed, I forgot what happened. The certificate of diagnosis reminded me of how I started practicing Falun Dafa. I’m so grateful that Master eliminated my disease shortly after I began practicing. No words can describe my gratitude for Master’s protection in the past 30 years. Thank you, Master!