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Identify Attachments, Overcome Sickness Tribulation

July 3, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Tan Cai in China

(Minghui.org) I’m in my 80s. On March 5 of this year, I received news from my hometown that my sister passed away. I decided to go back for the funeral, but my family was strongly opposed. Master was using their mouths to give me a hint, but I was too emotionally attached to listen. Despite their objections, I insisted on going.

I developed severe anemia after I arrived. My family called an ambulance that took me to the hospital. Over the next three days, I was taken to three different hospitals at the cost of tens of thousands of yuan. Before they would give me a blood transfusion, the doctor prescribed a treatment that required buying medication from an outside pharmacy at a cost of fifty thousand yuan. I realized this was a wake-up call caused by my attachment to sentiment.

I demanded to be discharged the next day. The doctor said, “You can’t be discharged. Even if you leave, you’ll be back soon. Normal hemoglobin levels must be between 110 and 330, but yours is only 20. Your life is at risk!” I replied, “My master is protecting me.”

After I was discharged, my body was swollen, and I had difficulty standing. A relative came to visit me and, seeing my legs swollen so badly, told my child, “Swollen legs are not a good sign. She doesn’t have much time left; prepare for her funeral.” My husband, who is over 80, held me and cried, “We’ve been married for over 60 years.” It truly felt like we were parting. My family started preparing for my funeral.

I thought, “I’m a Dafa cultivator, and I must have faith in Master and the Fa.” I studied the Fa intensively, reading two to three lectures of Zhuan Falun each day. I did the exercises by leaning against a table. I knew Master would help me and take care of me. I kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” The swelling in my legs went down, and I was able to stand.

No matter how bad I felt, I attended group Fa study and sent righteous thoughts. To me, group study is more important than anything else. I looked inward, digging deeply to find my attachments. I realized that my returning to my hometown for the funeral was driven by attachments to fame and gain, showing off, jealousy, competitiveness, vanity, and a sense of superiority. I also found that I had a habit of not cultivating my speech and easily got angry. Master told us, “ ... you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism.” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature” in Essentials for Further Advancement)

I need to achieve selflessness and put others before myself. Although I was considerate of other practitioners, it was all for the sake of showing off. I suddenly awakened and realized that I wasn’t up to Master’s expectations. Master said, “The entire cultivation process for a cultivator is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)Each test and tribulation in my cultivation actually reflects my faith and steadfast belief in Master and the Fa.

This trial was intense and other practitioners helped me send righteous thoughts. From the bottom of my heart, I’m grateful to Master for repeatedly saving me from death and giving me a new life. Master gave me so much, and his immense grace is beyond words.

Everything is now back to normal. I understand that I’m still far from meeting Master’s requirements and being a truly qualified Dafa disciple, especially when it comes to clarifying the truth and doing the three things. In the future, I will strive to be more diligent, live up to Master’s salvation, and return home with Master.