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Firm Up Righteous Thoughts and Illusions Disappear

July 3, 2024

(Minghui.org) I was reported to the police for distributing informational materials about Falun Dafa. My home was ransacked in September 2020. Affected by the publicity, my family watched me every day to stop me from going out to save people. I lost the environment where I cultivated with other practitioners in a group. Worsened by my lack of righteous thoughts, my body began to display an incorrect state.

First, I had only loose bowels. I thought that Master was purifying my body and did not pay attention to it. Then my left eye also began to experience some problems. It felt as if a flying object was in my left eye, and it appeared as if a big fly was blocking my left eye. My vision became a bit blurry. Such a symptom, as understood by ordinary people, is caused by cerebral blood vessel blockage. But I’m a cultivator and the meridians of my entire body are open. How can there be blockage?

A cultivator looks within when encountering problems. The plague was raging and saving sentient beings was urgent. However, I stayed at home all day because I was afraid that my husband would object. Sometimes I turned anxious about it, and I developed resentment toward my husband. 

Now, I send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all the evil that was persecuting my body, and I didn’t allow the evil to interfere with my eye and interfere with saving sentient beings.

The first thing I thought about was to join a Fa study group. I wanted to form a Fa study group nearby because that would be relatively convenient. I discussed what I was going to do with several practitioners. However, it didn’t work out as it was inconvenient for some practitioners. Now, I was determined and decided to go to a married couple’s home located quite far away and study the Fa with that group. I put down the notions of fearing the objection by my husband or fearing to cause security issues for other practitioners. After studying the Fa with that group for two days, the symptoms in my left eye disappeared. 

My left eye felt a drilling pain as if a bug flew into my eye when I was going home after harvesting corn in the autumn of the year before last year. I pushed my electrical cart and walked home with much difficulty.

I looked into a mirror when I got home. The white of my left eye had turned black. It was not a flying bug. I knew it was again the evil who wanted to harm me. I sat down and crossed my legs right away and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all old forces, black hands, rotten ghosts, and the wicked Party and evil spirits in other dimensions that persecute practitioners.

I sent forth righteous thoughts for only 10 minutes because I had to cook meals. After I stopped sending forth righteous thoughts, I felt my eye stop hurting. I looked in the mirror again, the white of my left eye had changed back to normal. I was so excited. Tears welled up in my eyes. 

It was just as Master said: 

“...Disciples’ righteous thoughts are strongMaster has the power to turn the tide”(“Master-Disciple Grace,” Hong Yin II)