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An Easily Overlooked Omission

July 27, 2024 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Practitioner Lou is my relative. His wife is an ordinary person with a hot temper, who often incites family conflicts over trivial matters. Lou tolerated it, but didn’t know what was wrong in his cultivation that would explain the behavior. He recently told me, “The situation is getting worse and my wife wants to divorce me.” When Lou said this, I calmly thought that although it was a matter within Lou’s family, me hearing about it was not coincidental. I asked myself what I was cultivating from it, I suddenly realized that the root of this issue lied within me.

Every time I visited Lou’s home, I would witness scenes where his wife disrespected him, scolded him, and belittled him over trivial matters. Lou told me, “This is payback for past wrongs, otherwise she wouldn’t treat me like this.” “In cultivating Dafa, we should not focus on repaying debts but rectify all improper factors,” I replied, “You should send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil forces manipulating your wife from behind the scenes, to prevent the old forces from ruining her.” Despite Lou sending righteous thoughts for a long time, it had no obvious effect.

Because of this, I harbored resentment toward Lou’s wife, thinking that she was so ignorant, and had a hot temper. Given her qualities, I thought she should just leave him. There are plenty of single female practitioners, any of which would be better than her to be Lou’s future wife.

These thoughts often came to my mind, even during meditation, hoping for their early separation, and for his wife to regret her actions. This thought of revenge, resentment, and desire to control others had persisted without my awareness.

Lou recently confided in me, saying, “She drives me away, cursing and swearing. It’s really a difficult situation to face.” I suddenly awakened to the fact that my improper thoughts had been seized upon by the old forces, which then manipulated Lou’s wife to constantly escalate quarrels, pushing the couple to the brink of divorce. I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate these thoughts in my mind, and at the same time to clear the evil factors in other dimensions that were manipulating Lou’s wife, and prevent these evil factors from ruining her.

A few days later, I called Lou and asked how things were going between them. He said, “It’s better now. She’s no longer picking fights, and doesn’t seem as confrontational as before.”

Why couldn’t Lou’s wife improve before? It was because my improper thoughts were blocking the way, providing a handle for the old forces to latch on to. Marriage is divinely arranged, and when the divine arranges marriages, divorce is not permitted. Cultivators should understand the principles of heaven and know this, but how could I produce thoughts that go against heaven’s will?

When I told practitioner Cai about my incorrect thoughts, she told me that she was experiencing something similar. She said, “My daughter-in-law is lazy, doesn’t go out to work, and stays at home all day. I would feel discontented and think to myself: ‘It would be better if my son just divorced her.’ I thought it would be easy to find a female practitioner to be my daughter-in-law. As a result, my son started quarreling with his wife and talking about divorce.”

“Quickly, send righteous thoughts,” I responded, “to clear your improper thoughts and eliminate the evil factors manipulating your son. We must not allow the old forces to exploit our weaknesses. Our mission is to save people, not destroy them.”

Issues like these are not easy to detect because conflicts can often arise within others for us to see, and the old forces can exploit our vulnerabilities to create tribulations. Therefore, we must remain vigilant.