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Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in London

July 25, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondents in the UK

(Minghui.org) The 2024 UK Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in London on July 21, 2024. Nineteen practitioners talked about their experiences in studying the Fa, cultivating solidly, and saving sentient beings. They also discussed and compared their cultivation experiences and reflected on how they could improve.

The 2024 UK Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in London on July 21, 2024.

Nineteen practitioners talked about their experiences during the conference.

Keeping Righteous Thoughts and Compassion

Ben talked about his experiences and cultivation insights while helping promote Shen Yun performances over the years. From answering hotline calls, selling tickets, and maintaining security during the performances, to backstage work, he strived to make cultivation breakthroughs, not make mistakes, and to always be compassionate.

He emphasized that in this process he reflected on Master’s teachings and the efforts of Shen Yun performers, which helped him improve. He learned to give up personal interests and devote himself wholeheartedly to helping with Shen Yun. He also reflected on his daily life, in which he did not fully practice the rigorous attitude he learned from Shen Yun work. He reminded himself to always treat every detail in life with compassion, take every step without making mistakes, and be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation.

Treasuring Every Cultivation Opportunity

Colleen is nearly 70 years old, and was diagnosed with Lyme disease years ago. Her body was severely infected, and the UK’s top Lyme disease expert said she would never recover. But a few months after she began practicing Falun Dafa, she stopped taking all the medicines, and all of her symptoms disappeared. She endured the pain of eliminating karma and at the same time cultivated herself and improved her character.

She said she used to have severe anxiety and was afraid of interacting with people. She was reluctant to go to the practice site, but when she overcame her anxiety and went, she felt she had entered a field filled with great compassion, and all her anxiety disappeared. She saw Master’s Law Body above the practice site, who not only covered the site, but also covered a large area above the entire town. She felt a strong thought penetrating into her mind, “Never be anxious or worry about what fellow practitioners say or do to you. They are here to help you cultivate.”

Another time she got angry while handing out leaflets and fell down on the wet ground. Instead of worrying about herself, she immediately compared her behavior to the principles of Dafa and realized that she was wrong and shouldn’t be angry.

When she was studying the Fa with her husband she once saw rows of golden Buddhas behind his head. Every time he read a sentence of the Fa, a golden Falun came out of the Buddha’s mouth and entered this dimension, changing and purifying the world.

Improving While Promoting Shen Yun

Mr. Xu, who is in his 70s, shared his experiences and insights while helping promote Shen Yun in 2023. He distributed flyers door-to-door in different cities for seven weeks. It was very hard—his legs hurt, and he fell. He distributed leaflets during the day, and he cooked at night. His entire body was in pain the first week, but with firm faith and Master’s blessing, he overcame the various difficulties. Although it was hard every day, he remained in a good mood and felt his body returning to a youthful state. He said, “I used to weigh more than 180 pounds, but now I weigh about 160 pounds. I feel very relaxed, and the dark spots on my legs are gone now. My legs used to hurt a lot, but now the pain is gone. Thank you very much, Master!”

While working as a chef for Shen Yun, he and the other practitioners prepared delicious meals for the performers. They constantly improved their dishes, and strove to improve their forbearance and compassion.

A Young Mother Strives to Do the Three Things Well

Hoa from Vietnam, who has three young sons, talked about how she strives to do the three things well.

There were no practitioners in the city where Hoa lived. She got up at around five o’clock every morning and went to the park to practice the exercises alone. As time passed, some people expressed interest in Falun Dafa, ordered the book Zhuan Falun, and learned the exercises. She hoped that fellow practitioners would cherish the opportunity to practice the exercises outdoors.

She said, “No matter if it’s raining heavily, the wind is howling, or it’s snowing, I do the exercises alone outside. This helps me remain diligent, and let go of complacency and sleepiness. Whenever I meditate with the melodious music, I feel a very powerful and warm energy, and I quickly become tranquil.”

Hoa shared the importance of studying the Fa. Her family once encountered many unexpected problems that she could not solve no matter how hard she tried. She began to read the Fa non-stop, and gradually felt that her mind was empty and she couldn’t think about anything else. The family problems were subsequently resolved.

She also goes to the local outdoor market two days a week to clarify the truth and collect signatures. One time it rained and she hesitated whether to go out. Her children said, “Mom, you are a Falun Dafa practitioner so you should go even if it rains!” So she took her three children and walked for more than 30 minutes under an umbrella to clarify the truth on the streets.

Resuming Cultivation

Mr. Wu practiced Falun Dafa with his mother when he was a child. After coming to the UK, he relaxed for a long time and eventually developed a serious illness. He began to seize the time to study the Fa and practice the exercises. He wept after listening to a song from Shen Yun, and said from the bottom of his heart, “I was wrong, I was really wrong. I want to resume practicing!”

He realized that he had to break through himself and clarify the truth to the Chinese people face to face. That day, he went out to clarify the truth despite the rain. Although he felt that he did not speak well, several Chinese people agreed to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. After this experience, he realized that sentient beings with predestined relationships are waiting for us. As long as he takes this step, Master will arrange sentient beings with predestined relationships to listen to the truth.

He said, “When clarifying the truth face to face, I discovered many strong attachments that I hadn’t noticed before, including the desire to save face, fear, laziness, a competitive mentality, and selfishness. After clarifying the truth for a period of time, I am no longer so shy, and my attachments such as the desire to save face have also been eliminated. In the process, I also encountered many touching things.”

After experiencing the tribulation of illness and karma, Wu said he now deeply realizes the seriousness of cultivation and practitioners’ responsibilities.

Some practitioners also shared their cultivation experiences while participating in media work or in different projects during Shen Yun performances. Listening to their heartfelt exchanges moved other practitioners to tears. They said they greatly benefited, and it showed them that they should cherish the opportunity to cultivate together even more.