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Taiwan: Dignitaries Express Appreciation for Falun Gong and Practitioners’ Efforts to Expose 25 Year Long Persecution

July 25, 2024 |   By Shen Rong, Minghui correspondent in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held a candlelight vigil at Taipei City Hall Plaza on the evening of July 20, 2024, marking the 25th anniversary of their peaceful resistance to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. Elected officials and an attorney gave speeches, and condemned the CCP atrocities.

A candlelight vigil was held in Taipei on the evening of July 20, 2024.

Practitioners held activities at the Taipei City Hall Plaza on July 20, 2024.

Hsiao Sung-shan, chairman of Taiwan Falun Dafa Association, said that activities to expose the persecution were held in seven cities throughout Taiwan, and included marches, press conferences, and candlelight vigils. “We mourn the Falun Gong practitioners who have died due to the CCP’s persecution. We expose the CCP’s crimes against humanity, and call for justice, compassion, and collective efforts to stop the CCP’s atrocities,” he said.

A total of over 60 human rights proposals have been made at different levels of government in Taiwan in the past years. Hsiao said practitioners appreciate the support they received from all circles of society in Taiwan.

Hung Chien-yi, member of the Taipei City Council, thanks Falun Gong practitioners for their persistent efforts to bring the truth to the world.

Hung Chien-yi, member of the Taipei City Council, deeply bowed to Falun Gong practitioners as soon as he stepped onto the stage. He expressed his continued support for Falun Gong and thanked practitioners for their unyielding spirit and persistent work, which he says brings truth to the world.

Lee Chien-chang, member of the Taipei City Council

Lee Chien-chang, member of the Taipei City Council, expressed his admiration for practitioners, and said, “Practitioners can be seen clarifying the truth all over the world. I would like to support you with my actions. I’ll always stand with you!”

Attorney Chen Yi-wen said he admired practitioners for standing firm in their belief while facing the CCP’s persecution. Mr. Chen stressed that international society should follow the lead of the Falun Gong Protection Act passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and initiate laws to stop the CCP’s persecution. “Taiwan should pass such a law as well, because Taiwan has freedom of belief, and no persecution should be allowed,” he said.

Attorney Chen Yi-wen

Ms. Cai said she had chronic hepatitis, but practicing Falun Gong restored her health. Her coworkers said that she looked like a different person.

Mr. Tu said that he’s practiced Falun Gong for 12 years, and that his multiple diseases, including heart disease and high blood pressure, were subsequently resolved. Mr. Tu is able to have compassion for his mentally-ill wife. “I would have had a broken family if it weren’t for Falun Gong,” he said.