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If We Genuinely Believe in Master, There Is No Hurdle We Cannot Overcome

July 25, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I had a bad temper because I suffered from many diseases, including tachycardia, a gynecological disease, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, headache, and dizziness. I did not want to live. All my illnesses disappeared after I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, and I experienced true happiness.

After the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Dafa in July 1999, the other practitioners and I bought paper and pens to write “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and “Falun Dafa is the Righteous Dafa!” We put these messages on houses, hoping people would see them and understand the true situation.

Practitioners later chipped in, purchased a printer and brought it to my home. I printed truth clarification materials during the day, and distributed them at night. I printed up to 1,000 copies every 3 to 4 days, and teamed up with three other practitioners to distribute them in residential compounds and homes in the countryside.

Before we set off, we asked Master to strengthen us so that every piece of material could play a role in saving people, and every person who received them would be saved. Each time we safely returned home under Master’s protection. One night, as I was lying in bed, I felt the bed was no longer underneath me, and I was flying. I knew Master was encouraging me.

Having witnessed how healthy I became, my husband has been very supportive, and he has been blessed. Every morning, he left home with two copies of truth clarification booklets, and came back without them in the evening. I knew he gave them to people.

My husband helped purchase supplies for my material site, and we brought back 7 or 8 boxes at a time. One day, we set out to buy supplies again, and halfway there, he asked me, “We’ll be alright, right?” I felt he was under pressure, and in fact, so was I, because another practitioner told me the police were monitoring the supply store and arrested a few practitioners.

I comforted my husband, “It’s okay. Master is protecting us. We’ll return home safely.” Seeing such determination on my face, he felt relieved. We indeed were safe.

I am Arrested

The persecution was intense. Although my righteous thoughts were strong, I was not clear about the Fa principles and had fear. I panicked as soon as I heard police sirens. At night, I often dreamed a group of police came to my home, and I woke up in a panic. I sat up and sent righteous thoughts when I realized it was a nightmare.

I opened a store in 2009. My attachment to personal gain was exploited by the old forces, and someone reported me to the police. The police broke into my home, took me to the police station, and took my computer and some Dafa books.

Before I was taken away I told my family, “I’ll be right back.” The police officers looked at me in disbelief. I refused to cooperate, and kept sending righteous thoughts while looking within for attachments. I found quite a few.

I said to Master in my heart, “Master, I’m sorry I did poorly. However, I only follow Master’s arrangements, and do not want anything other than that. My mission is to assist Master to do Fa-rectification and save sentient beings outside and not here. Only Master can tell me what I can do. This tribulation does not belong to me. Master, please help.”

I walked out of the police station that afternoon. When I got home, I was told the police blackmailed my family for 10,000 yuan.

Through this lesson, I understood that I must practice real cultivation so my family wouldn’t be destroyed. I looked inward and found many attachments, such as a competitive mentality, attachment to personal interest, lust, showing-off, jealousy, forcefulness, self-righteousness, and more.

In May 2015, practitioners began to file charges against former CCP head Jiang Zemin and demanded the persecution of Falun Dafa end. The CCP panicked and began harassing practitioners. I was harassed multiple times. However, I knew Master was by my side and there was no hurdle I could not overcome.

One day, two police officers, their police station director, and the head of my community came to my home. I explained to them the preciousness and beauty of Falun Dafa and why I practiced. I told them that, as long as they treated practitioners well, they would be blessed because one day Falun Dafa will be exonerated and all the crimes committed against Dafa will be redressed.

When they were leaving, I gave them four copies of truth-clarification materials. The director hesitated. I said, “You’ve looked for me everywhere! I’m obligated to help you understand the truth.” They took the materials and left.

The police station director was transferred elsewhere in 2021, and a new director came. By that time, through looking inward, I gradually matured, improved, and removed my fear.

The new director and two people came to my home. He looked like a nice person. I felt their knowing side came to learn the truth and be saved, so I spoke to them without invoking their negative side, keeping in mind Master’s words.

I said, “With so many natural and man-made disasters happening, Master Li told us to save you. Please have the deadly oath you took when you joined the Party removed, or you will indeed sacrifice your life for the CCP, because heaven will destroy it. You all have elderly and young to take care of at home, don’t you want peace and safety?”

The director said, “I do, I do.” The other two both nodded in agreement. They all chose a bright future. I’m happy for them.

Family Tribulation Shows How Wonderful Falun Dafa Is

In the spring of 2022, my younger sister (a practitioner), told me that her daughter was pregnant. But the ultrasound showed it was an ectopic pregnancy which was dangerous. The mother-in-law kept saying unpleasant things, claiming the condition was inherited from the mother’s side. My sister was upset.

I said, “You should look inward. You probably have too much affection for your daughter and should let it go; encourage your son-in-law and daughter to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ often. Master said, ‘...with one person practicing, the whole family benefits ...’ (Teachings at the Conference in Australia). I know they will be fine.”

A month later, the son-in-law called my sister and happily said, “It’s amazing! The doctor said the little one is securely seated inside (the uterus). The doctor could not explain it but found it amazing!”

The mother-in-law was very happy. She later quit the CCP and its youth organizations. By the end of the year, their family welcomed a healthy baby boy.

In my understanding, as long as we examine our words and actions, cultivate ourselves, look inward, do the three things well to save as many people as we can, and genuinely believe in Master, there is no hurdle we cannot overcome! It is all thanks to Master that I have been able to walk smoothly until today. Thank you, Master!

This is my first experience sharing article, so please point out anything improper. Thank you!