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My Psoriasis Disappeared

July 25, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was in my 20s when I developed psoriasis, a chronic skin condition. I took herbal medicine for one month, and I was fine. However, when I was in my 50s, the psoriasis returned and was worse than before. Even though I practiced Falun Dafa, I was not very diligent, and my enlightenment quality was poor. The itching was severe and I scratched my skin endlessly, to the point where I bled and a pus-like fluid seeped from the areas. I was frightened and went to a pharmacy to purchase some ointment. The ointment seemed to work, and the psoriasis came and went over the next ten years.

I knew my behavior was not in line with the principles of Falun Dafa, but the itching was intense, and I felt miserable. I went to the pharmacy again in 2017. I purchased two expensive tubes of ointment. The staff told me that it was very effective. Hoping for relief, I applied the medicine to my skin when I got home. Unfortunately, after three days, my condition became much worse. One area of itchy, and irritated flaky skin on my back was as big as my palm! I was alarmed. I am a cultivator. How could I expect ordinary people’s medicine to work on me?

When I studied Fa that night, I read what Master said,

“We have said that good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I immediately realized that I had been treating myself as an ordinary person; my initial thought was not right - how could I the condition be resolved? In my heart I told Master I was sorry, and that from this moment on, I will follow only his arrangements for me. I threw away all the medicines and ointment. I did my the Falun Dafa exercises and studied the Fa as usual, and I ignored my skin condition. After two months, it got better, and eventually, my skin cleared completely.

One morning in 2023, my entire body was suddenly covered with red spots. I couldn’t see any normal skin. A layer of dry scaly skin appeared, that looked like the bark of a tree. When I touched the itchy, scaly patches of dry skin they fell off and my clothes were covered in white flakes. This time, I did not fall for the old forces attempts to ruin me and shake my belief! No way! I have Master Li and I was not afraid. Also, this time I firmly believed that Master was indeed purifying my body. I knew it was a good thing.

I persevered in studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts. One month later, my legs became very swollen and looked awful. I negated this persecution by the old forces and continued my daily activities as if nothing happened. Over the next ten days fluid continually oozed out of my swollen legs.

After the oozing stopped, I felt a wave of cold energy or qi being released from my legs and feet. The swelling was also gone. My skin cleared up and there was no trace of skin problems.

The chronic psoriasis that tormented me for nearly forty years was gone under the protection of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. After I eliminated so much karma, and my body was purified, my skin tone was fair and delicate. As a result of my experience, my family and relatives witnessed the wonder of Dafa.