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Additional Persecution News from China – July 14, 2024 (10 Reports)

July 24, 2024

(Minghui.org) Today’s news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 9 cities or counties in 8 provinces, where at least 22 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Juye County, Shandong Province] Six Practitioners Arrested
2. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Three More Practitioners Arrested
3. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Liu Qingyu and Ms. Zhang Shuxia Arrested and Detained
4. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhao Jun Held in Police Hospital
5. [Baoji City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Wang Lijuan Arrested and Detained
6. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Three Practitioners Arrested and Detained
7. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Qing Arrested
8. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Liu Hongcai Arrested
9. [Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Zuo Yeyun Arrested and Detained
10. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

1. [Juye County, Shandong Province] Six Practitioners Arrested

Six practitioners were arrested during a group arrest in Juye County on July 11, 2024. Their homes were ransacked. The practitioners are: Ms. Wang Xiangling, in her 80s; Ms. Xu Baoqin, in her 60s; Ms. Liu Qiuxia, in her 60s; Ms. Wang Yanling, around 50; Ms. Ma Xiuqin, in her 70s; and Ms. Cao Xiuzhi, in her 60s.

2. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Three More Practitioners Arrested

A group arrest of 18 practitioners took place early on July 12, 2024. It’s recently been confirmed that three more practitioners were also arrested around the same time, including Ms. Huang Ping, Mr. Li Defa, and Mr. Liu Haitao.

3. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Liu Qingyu and Ms. Zhang Shuxia Arrested and Detained

Ms. Zhang Shuxia and Liu Qingyu from the Qinghe District were arrested by officers from the Hongqi Police Station on July 11, 2024. Their homes were ransacked and their computers and cash were confiscated. They are detained in the Tieling City Lockup.

4. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhao Jun Held in Police Hospital

Mr. Zhao Jun was sentenced to four years in prison by the Hailin City Court. He was taken away from his home on July 9, 2024, to serve time. Since he did not meet the prison admission requirements, the authorities are keeping him in a police hospital. They plan to transfer him to a prison as soon as his health improves.

5. [Baoji City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Wang Lijuan Arrested and Detained

Ms. Wang Lijuan was recently arrested by officers from the Qingjiang Police Station and has been detained. The police said they arrested her because she participated in an activity on WeChat.

6. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Three Practitioners Arrested and Detained

Practitioners Mingyue, Jing, and Yaoyao, whose last names are unknown, were arrested by a dozen of officers in People’s Park on the afternoon of July 8, 2024. Their homes were ransacked, and they are being held in the Chengdu City Detention Center.

7. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Qing Arrested

Ms. Zhang Qing from the Qiaoxi District was arrested by Wang Fenggang and other officers from the Qiaoxi District Police Department and Wang Chunyong from Hongqi Street Police Station on the morning of June 27, 2024. They ransacked her home and confiscated several Falun Gong books, her cell phone, her work computer, and even her husband’s work computer. She was released in the evening.

8. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Liu Hongcai Arrested

Practitioner Liu Hongcai was recently arrested at home.

9. [Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Zuo Yeyun Arrested and Detained

Ms. Zuo Yeyun was arrested by officers from the Huancheng South Road Police Station on July 3, 2024, for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong. She was held in the Baishazhou Detention Center and released around July 7, 2024.

10. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Li Hongxin, Mr. Wu Bo, and Mr. Wu’s wife, all from Changtu County, were arrested and taken to a brainwashing center on July 12, 2024. Ms. Li and Mr. Wu’s wife were released later that day. Mr. Wu was taken to the Changtu County Detention Center.