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Manhattan, New York: Grand March Calls to End the Persecution of Falun Gong in China

July 24, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in New York

(Minghui.org) July 20 marked the 25th anniversary since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) in July 1999. About 1,000 practitioners from various ethnic groups held a grand march in Manhattan, urging the CCP to stop persecuting Falun Gong and to support 430 million Chinese citizens who have quit the CCP organizations. Spectators praised the practitioners for their perseverance. 

Some practitioners who participated in the event have practiced for years, while others only recently began practicing. The march consisted of three sections: “Falun Dafa Is Good,” “Stop Persecuting Falun Gong,” and “Supporting 430 Million Chinese Who Quit the CCP Organizations.”

The “Falun Dafa Is Good” section of the march in Manhattan on July 20

The “Falun Dafa is good” section was led by the Tian Guo Marching Band. Impressed by the beautiful melodies such as “Falun Dafa Is Good” and “Triumphant Return,” many spectators applauded and took pictures and videos of the event. 

The second section: “Stop Persecuting Falun Gong.”

The third section congratulated people who “Quit the CCP Organizations.”

The CCP Is Meeting Its End for Persecuting the Innocent

Yi Zhongyuan, a coordinator for the Falun Dafa Association in New York, said July 20 is a special date because the CCP began to suppress Falun Gong on this day 25 years ago. It is a persecution that targets not only Falun Gong practitioners but also the entire Chinese population and people around the world. Despite the harsh environment, practitioners have responded with peace, perseverance, and kindness. 

Countless historical records have proven that anyone who suppresses a righteous belief is doomed, Yi added. Although the suppression by the CCP continues, people from around the world have seen the CCP is ending soon. By suppressing the innocent, the CCP is meeting its fate, and its days are numbered. 

Upon recognizing the CCP’s vicious nature, more than 430 million Chinese people have so far quit the regime—this includes the Youth League and the Young Pioneers. Instead of being defeated, Falun Gong has become stronger and more people around the globe have joined the practice. It is because the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are powerful and they represent our future. 

Chinese Praise Practitioners

One older man from China said he was very touched while watching the march because in it he could see hope for China. “The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are wonderful and they can guide us to higher levels,” he explained.

A young Western man said he would absolutely look into Falun Dafa to learn more. A woman said she was glad to see a Falun Gong activity again. She heard that the US House of Representatives had recently passed the Falun Gong Protection Act. “This is a long overdue legislation because we need to support the upright,” she added. 

Wang, a second-generation immigrant from Hong Kong, and his family liked the paper lotus flowers practitioners were giving out. “No one should be suppressed for their belief. I support your human rights,” he told a practitioner. 

A Chinese man named Bob watched the march at the crosswalk of Canal Street and Mott Street. “I’ve observed this for many years. It’s amazing that Falun Gong has grown so well these years without funding from any country or any government,” he said. 

He felt it was even more extraordinary because practitioners have remained peaceful throughout these 25 years. “From the persistence of Falun Gong, I could tell this practice has no political agenda. No matter how bad the CCP persecutes the group, practitioners always adhere to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” Bob explained. “From their heart, people will know what is right and what is wrong. So you have walked your path well.”

He encouraged practitioners to continue their efforts. “Suppose a teacher has 100 students. Even if only one student gets it, the teaching won’t end in vain. Plus millions of people or more have now learned the facts,” he said, adding ordinary Chinese citizens are also victims of the persecution since they have been deceived. “Falun Gong teaches one to be a good person and there is nothing wrong with this. Whenever the CCP wants targets someone – regardless of whether it’s Falun Gong, Buddhism, or underground Christian churches, it labels you as a cult. This is because the CCP is the real cult,” he said. 

Looking Forward to Similar Events in China

Song is a doctor in Chinatown who specializes in pain management. He repeatedly walked downstairs to take pictures and videos of the march. “Everything is awesome, from the colors to the banners to the message,” he exclaimed. “Falun Gong has done nothing wrong. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is great.”

He said the entire world needs such universal values. “Before the CCP came in 1949, we Chinese people also cherished traditional values. After the CCP came, it promotes hatred, brutality, and lies,” Song said. That is why he believes it’s very important for practitioners to keep up their efforts, so that more people in China and around the world will know what is going on. “The CCP harms our society like an evil specter and everyone needs to know this. Look, both parties in the U.S. are against the CCP now,” he said. 

Looking at Falun Gong practitioners, Song said he feels China still has hope. “Every practitioner is a good person – genuine, kind, and pure,” he said. As he watched the end of the march, he hoped the line would be longer, like a festival celebration. “I hope the CCP will end soon and I’ll return to China with Falun Gong. I hope to see such a great event in China too,” he said. 

An Important Message

This was the first time local resident Ella Leonselem and her friend saw a Falun Gong event in Chinatown. They were amazed at how well-organized it was. “The colors are superb and the messages are excellent,” Ella said. “We’re glad to see people are standing together against the CCP.”

Ella said her parents fled the Soviet Union so they know how vicious communism is. “That’s why I found this event so great. People in Chinatown and the United States definitely need to know Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” she explained. Her friend agreed and thanked the practitioners. 

Magic Gathers, a street vendor on Mott Street who lives in Brooklyn, said he sees practitioners’ events every year. He repeatedly waved to them and gave them a thumbs up. “This is a voice from people’s heart – everyone should respect freedom of speech and freedom of belief,” he said. 

Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are universal values that connect us and bring people together. “Without them, we will fall apart. That is why I think these values are important and powerful,” he said.