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Brussels, Belgium: Practitioners Urge End to Persecution in Front of Chinese Embassy

July 23, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondent Rong Fa in Brussels, Belgium

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese embassy in Brussels, Belgium on July 17, 2024, calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 25-year-long persecution.

The CCP has deployed all means in persecuting Falun Gong: fabrication, deceit, falsely framing Falun Gong, etc. The means are extremely cruel. By ordering “defame their reputations, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically,” former CCP head Jiang Zemin attempted to eliminate Falun Gong in three months. However, after 25 years, Falun Gong practitioners worldwide have never stopped protesting the persecution and raising awareness of the brutality. More and more nations and citizens are condemning the CCP’s persecution and supporting Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts.

Practitioners peacefully rallied in front of the Chinese embassy in Brussels, Belgium

Director of the Belgian Falun Dafa Association: "More People Realize the Nature of the CCP"

Mr. Nico Bijnens, Director of the Belgian Falun Dafa Association, said at the rally, “Based on my knowledge, it is not coincidental that the CCP is persecuting Falun Gong. For Westerners, it is difficult to understand at first why the CCP wants to persecute a group of people who meditate and try hard to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. In fact, to understand this, we must try hard to understand the CCP’s actions after it took power.

“Like the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party mentioned, ‘Throughout the CCP’s history, everything it has touched has been marred by lies, wars, famine, tyranny, massacre, and terror.’ In fact, that’s what happened. The CCP’s various movements persecuted countless Chinese people to death.

“Now, more and more people in the international community are coming to understand the evil nature of the CCP. Recently, the European Parliament and U.S. Congress both passed resolutions to condemn forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong cultivators and to condemn the persecution.

Mr. Nico Bijnens, Director of the Belgian Falun Dafa Association, addressed the rally

Mr. Bijnens said, “Falun Gong’s cultivation principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, with the five exercises, have gained the favor of Westerners. So many people physically and mentally benefited from practicing Falun Gong. There are many such people around me. So many people avoided drugs, quit smoking and drinking, changed their irritable temper, obtained a more harmonious family and work environment, etc. Abiding by the principles makes them be happy in life and achieve better health. The main text of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, has been translated into over 40 languages and is spreading all over the world. It is widely liked by those who read it.

“We cherish the opportunity to freely cultivate. However, we feel that we have the obligation to stand up and speak out for our fellow Chinese cultivators who are being persecuted, as well as expose the truth and oppose the persecution,” he said.

“Falun Gong Must Keep Going”

Gabriela (left) said that she wishes to learn Falun Gong.

Gabriela is a pharmacist who is working at a pharmaceutical company. She focuses on chronic respiratory diseases. She passed by the event site, which was in the same location last year, and where she first heard of Falun Gong. However, she had lost the brochure. When she saw practitioners from a distance, she quickly approached.

Gabriela said, “I know Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is very good and also very important to humankind and every person. Absolutely important!” She said she hopes to learn Falun Gong at an exercise site as soon as possible.

Upon learning that the persecution has lasted 25 years, she said, “Over twenty years ago, I lived in Romania, so I know what this means and how difficult it is.”

“I think Falun Gong must keep going. I admire Falun Gong practitioners’ courage,” Gabriela said.

Belgian Practitioner: A Free Environment for Chinese Practitioners

Wilfried Duchamps

Wilfried Duchamps talked about his cultivation journey, “I’m a Westerner. I did not have any barriers when I started practicing Falun Dafa. I completely accepted all the principles told in Zhuan Falun. It was December 2006 when my wife and daughter learned about Falun Dafa by chance. We went to an exercise site and began our cultivation journey.

“My life changed. I did my best to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. When the CCP began persecuting Falun Gong, we began to expose this brutal persecution to more people, hoping that together we can stop this persecution and allow practitioners in China to be able to freely practice like we do. Our whole family began to participate in and organize events to let more people know about this persecution.

“Participating in this event in front of the Chinese embassy today, I’m hoping that practitioners living in China will be able to practice in a peaceful environment and are no longer persecuted,” he said.