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Two Stories That Show Falun Dafa Is Amazing

July 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa at the end of 1998, and my family had many incredible experiences. I’d like to share two stories that happened recently.

Falun Dafa Desk Calendar

Lin and I were distributing Falun Dafa desk calendars one cold winter day in 2022, and we only had one left. We noticed a man walking back and forth across the street, so I walked up to him.

I said, “The weather is very cold today and you’ve been here a long time. Would you like a desk calendar?”

He happily took it and said he’d been waiting three days for a calendar. He saw someone with the calendar and asked where he got it, and the person told him, “Just wait here and you’ll get one.”

“You seem to have a positive view of Falun Dafa. Why is that?” I asked.

He shared his story with me, “A relative had an orthopedic surgery, and it’s customary these days to give the doctor a red envelop containing money. No one refuses the money but his doctor didn’t take it. We thought maybe the amount was too little.

“The doctor said after the surgery that he practiced Falun Dafa, and we were shocked. Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said the practice is no good, but this nice doctor was a practitioner and didn’t take money from patients. It wasn’t until I met this doctor that I realized Falun Dafa is a good practice.

“In this chaotic world where material desires run rampant and moral values are in decline, who doesn’t want money? It’s incredible that Falun Dafa can guide people to be good. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t witnessed this myself!”

I was moved to tears when I heard his story. I noticed it was getting late, so I suggested he go home. He didn’t seem to want to leave, and finally said, “You’re all so fortunate to have a great Master!”

“You’re blessed as well, since you have a predestined relationship with practitioners,” I replied.

My Brother Recovers From Surgery

My younger brother felt dizzy and fell when he biked home after work on March 29 this year. His coworker saw he was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and called for an ambulance. My husband went to the hospital and noticed my brother’s face was disfigured. He had a craniotomy that night.

The other relatives went to the hospital the next day but no one said anything, except for my sister-in-law. She knew my husband and I were practitioners and experienced many amazing things, so she kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

The doctor emphasized, “We had to open his skull to let the blood out, but there’s no guarantee how things will turn out.”

My brother was taken to the intensive care unit where no visitors are allowed. He was scheduled for a CT scan five days later, so I rushed to the hospital. He was wheeled out of the ICU and was in serious condition. His trachea was cut open, his head was swollen, and he couldn’t open his eyes.

I whispered to him, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He regained consciousness inside the elevator, and was able to move by the time he was brought to the CT scan room. He sat up and told me his back hurt. He said he could hear our voices and he wept. My family saw light at the end of the tunnel, and he was out of the ICU the next day.

My sister-in-law continued to recite, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and my brother’s condition improved every day.

The assistant surgeon checked on him two weeks later and said, “Unbelievable! I thought it would take you one year to get to where you are now, but you’ve recovered nicely in just a few days. Your pupils were 80% dilated when you were in the ICU.”

My brother had surgery on his collarbone a few days later, and was discharged on April 30th.

Five of my brother’s classmates visited him on May 8th. I greeted them and then made lunch for my granddaughter. I sent righteous thoughts at noon and asked Master to help me clarify the truth to his classmates.

I gathered my courage and talked to them about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Four of them were CCP members, and one of them was a Youth League member. They all agreed to renounce the Party.