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Positive Changes After Attending Group Study

July 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I had a neighbor in my hometown in the Northeast, Xiao Yang. She practiced Falun Dafa at our practice site prior to the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She knew Dafa was good, but she did not understand what it meant to cultivate herself.

When the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20, 1999, all the practice sites in China were closed. Some practitioners were arrested, and some stopped practicing, including Xiao Yang.

Sixteen years later, in 2016, I ran into her in a small town near Beijing. We both realized that Master arranged for us to meet. Since then, Xiao Yang reconnected with Dafa. She obtained the Falun Dafa books and joined a study group near her home.

Eight years passed, and she is a completely different person. She and her fellow practitioners have been doing the three things very well. I was impressed.

I’d like to share some of Xiao Yang’s cultivation experiences, which may be helpful for other practitioners.

Seizing Every Moment

Xiao Yang has been studying three lectures in Zhuan Falun every day, and also reads Master’s other lectures. She also listens to Minghui podcasts about news and cultivation stories while doing housework. She wants to make up for those 16 years and catch up with the progress of Master’s Fa-rectification.

Xiao Yang never slacks off in her morning practice. She gets up at the same time every day to do the five sets of exercises, and when time allows, she does Exercise Two twice, each time for an hour.

Xiao Yang often teams up with other practitioners to distribute information about Falun Dafa and the persecution and helps people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. She said, “I feel as if I’m missing something that day if I don’t go out and clarify the truth to people.”

One day someone reported her and her fellow practitioners. They were taken to the police station. They didn’t give their names to the police, but instead kept explaining the truth to them. The police released them that day, and they went right back to talking to people.

Great Physical Changes

Xiao Yang’s head used to shake. It was a result of her frequently getting upset with her husband and mother-in-law in the past. A few years ago, she noticed her head no longer shook. Her sister also noticed it while doing video chats with her, and said she admired the power of Dafa.

Xiao Yang has good enlightenment quality. She used to have hemorrhoids. Sometimes she bled so heavily that blood seeped into her pants while she was out clarifying the facts. She was confident that Master was eliminating karma for her, so she took the symptoms lightly and continued doing what she was supposed to do. The hemorrhoids soon disappeared.

Now, Xiao Yang is free of illness and has rosy cheeks. She said her “body feels as light as a piece of paper,” and said she feels like she’s floating when she walks.

Helping Other Practitioners

Mei (pseudonym), an elderly practitioner, was showing symptoms of sickness karma. Xiao Yang went to Mei’s home with two practitioners to study the Fa with her and exchange understandings. She also helped Mei correct her exercise movements. Mei was very touched, realized where she fell short, and was determined to improve.

The Importance of Group Practice

In my observation, the reason Xiao Yang experienced such big changes has a lot to do with her joining the Fa study group. Group Fa study and group practice are the cultivation forms that Master left us.

I never stopped practicing Falun Dafa, but I spent most of my time alone, and rarely studied the Fa or exchanged understanding with others. I felt good about myself, but tended to slack off easily without the group environment. I felt ashamed when I compared myself to Xiao Yang.

I’ve now joined a Fa-study group. I will cultivate with the heart I once had, practice diligently, do the three things well, and follow Master home.