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A Message to Practitioners Who Are Addicted to Their Mobile Phones

July 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) The Minghui website published many articles regarding the harmful effects on practitioners who are obsessed with their mobile phones. Whether one is using phone apps such as WeChat and Kuaishou (short-format video), or doing online shopping, these apps are all dangerous and there have been too many lessons in this regard.

I’d like to share a frightening dream I had after I was addicted to online shopping.

I’ve usually been careful about using my mobile phone, and I didn’t use WeChat even though I had the app. I was busy with work recently, so I shopped online to save time and bought a few necessities.

At first I thought it was a great way to save time, but the more I shopped the more I wanted to buy, and I became obsessed with it. I went online every day and saw items that I wanted to buy, so I kept buying. This went on for about two weeks.

I had a dream one night. Four people came to my home and said a package was delivered to my house, and they came to pick it up. I remembered I received a package but it was for someone else. I found the package and handed it to them. They took the package but didn’t leave. I said, “I already gave you the package, so why don’t you leave!”

One of them said, “This package contains poison, and you’re already being poisoned. We’re just waiting for you to die, and we’ll leave afterward.” He then laughed loudly in an eerie tone, and I woke up from the dream. I sat up and was wide awake.

After I calmed down, I went over the entire process of my online shopping. At first I only wanted to buy one item, and then I bought more and more as if they were necessities. I realized later I didn’t really need these things.

I fell into the trap, and I was poisoned! It was truly scary! Thankfully, Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, used the dream to enlighten me. I immediately uninstalled WeChat and the shopping app.

Cultivation is serious! In this final moment of transitioning into the new universe, we should not be muddle-headed and go astray. Let’s cherish the fleeting opportunity, uninstall WeChat immediately, and don’t let the bad elements control us. I urge practitioners who are addicted to their mobile phones to wake up quickly!