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Her Life Became Positive After She Resumed Practicing Falun Dafa

July 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’d like to share a story that shows how amazing Falun Dafa is. Shortly after I began practicing Falun Dafa in March 1997 I introduced the practice to my colleague Xie, who also began practicing.

However, after the persecution of Falun Dafa began, due to the overwhelming negative propaganda and threats from government authorities, Xie stopped practicing. I refused to give up my belief and joined other practitioners who went to the government to appeal on behalf of Dafa.

Some staff at my workplace were assigned to monitor me, and Xie was one of them. Whenever I mentioned anything about Falun Dafa, she refused to listen. I put information about Falun Dafa in her mailbox, hoping to wake her up to the truth about the persecution. I began working for another company and moved.

I felt Xie’s understanding side was sad, and that she felt hopeless. In fact, this is what she told me when she resumed practicing.

In June 2005, Xie was diagnosed with uterine cancer. After undergoing surgery, she went through chemotherapy treatments that did a lot of damage to her body. Her hair fell out, she could not keep food down, she kept throwing up, and she lost a lot of weight. She was so weak that she could hardly walk.

One morning, Xie phoned me and said in a very feeble voice, “I’m about to die. Would you visit me?” I drove to her house immediately. She was in the bathroom throwing up and could not get up from the floor. I helped her up and said only Dafa could help her now. She agreed and said she wanted to practice again.

I went to her home every day after work, and studied the Fa with her. Her righteous thoughts emerged.

Her siblings visited her and tried to persuade her to go through another course of chemotherapy. She told them that chemo did enormous harm to her and that she wouldn’t go through that again. She said she decided to practice Falun Dafa and asked them to let her decide her own fate. Her siblings did not insist and bid us goodbye. Through persevering in studying the Fa and doing the exercises, her health improved, her mindset changed, and her energy returned.

Afterwards, even though she had three other sibling Xie began taking care of her mother who was bedridden for many years. Her family and friends were impressed with her kindness and good health. They all realized that Dafa granted her health and elevated her character.

Xie resumed practicing Falun Dafa 19 years ago. She does not look like someone in her 70s; she is full of energy and very healthy.

Master Li’s boundless compassion saved numerous people, including my colleague Xie. I hope people will remember “Falun Dafa is Good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and have a bright future.