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Compassion for Those Who Caused an Accident

July 20, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Liaoyuan in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) In April, I received a call from my husband. When I answered, a woman’s voice said, “Someone hit your husband’s vehicle. He has a headache, feels dizzy, and wants to vomit. Please come quickly!” I asked, “Can he talk? Please give him the phone.” I told my husband, “Quickly ask Master to help you. I’m coming right away.” On the way there, I repeatedly asked Master to save my husband.

When I arrived at the scene of the accident, I saw my husband anxiously walking around. I hurried over and asked, “Where are you hurt?” He replied, “I don’t seem to be injured, but I have a headache and feel nauseous.” I whispered in his ear: “It’s okay, it’s okay. Master said, ‘...good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought...’ (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun) Master is looking after you.”

Two young men in their thirties were responsible for the accident. When they saw me, they quickly explained what happened. Looking at the scene, I saw that the right front corner of their car was stuck against the left door of my husband’s three-wheeled electric vehicle. The left door had a large dent, and the front tire was twisted to the ground. The shock absorber was broken, and the ground was covered in broken fragments.

It was nearly dusk, and the temperature was dropping. A group of bystanders were discussing the situation. One said, “Quick, call the police.” Another said, “Who’s at fault?” My husband’s employer was also present. She whispered to me, “Use your phone to take pictures of the scene, and send your husband go to a hospital. It’s entirely their fault. They don’t want to report it to the police because they are trying to avoid responsibility.”

I could see the young men’s intentions, too—they wanted to settle things privately and pay us some money. Holding my phone, I looked at everything in front of me as thoughts raced through my mind: Should we report it? Will my husband be okay if we don’t get the vehicle fixed? Should we tell our children? If something happens, will our children blame me? Can the electric vehicle be repaired? Should we let them compensate us? I hesitated, thinking we shouldn’t report it, even if my husband doesn’t cultivate well, the old forces are not allowed to persecute him, and Master is in charge of him.

A Cultivation Opportunity

At that moment, my human nature and divine nature were at odds, and my mind was spinning like a windmill. Then, an elderly bystander said to me: “In my opinion, you don’t need to call the police, it will be troublesome once they get involved. It wasn’t intentional, and no one wanted this to happen. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Just spend some money to fix the electric vehicle, and that’s it. I’m just a bystander, and I don’t know any of you. What do you think?”

I understood this was Master compassionately using an ordinary person’s words to enlighten me. I quickly put away my phone and asked my husband what he wanted to do. He said he was fine. He didn’t need to go to a hospital, didn’t want to report the accident, and just needed to find a repair shop to fix the vehicle. The driver said, “I’ll give you my phone number. Find a place to repair the vehicle, and after it’s fixed, I’ll pay the bill.” My husband’s employer helped arrange a tow truck to take the damaged vehicle to a repair shop, and then everyone went home.

My husband didn’t eat dinner that night. He said he felt tired and went to lay down. Several practitioners came to see him, and helped send righteous thoughts. However, I couldn’t calm down, blaming myself for not cultivating well and letting human thoughts affect me. I felt my cultivation was inadequate. I asked Master to strengthen me, and I wanted to clarify the truth to the young men, help them quit the CCP, validate the beauty of Dafa, and convey Master’s compassion to them.

I spoke with my husband in the morning. He said, “It is okay for us to pay for the repairs ourselves, but I didn’t cultivate well and don’t have the confidence to clarify the truth to them.” I said, “We didn’t cultivate well, but we have the intention to save people. Master will strengthen us, and we can do it well.” We went to the shop that afternoon to discuss the repairs. The shop owner said, “The vehicle was severely damaged. The door was deformed, the drive chain and steering wheel were damaged, but strangely, not a single piece of glass was broken. It can be repaired, but it’s not worth spending money on.” My husband told the owner (who sells new and used vehicles), “We won’t have the vehicle repaired. Let’s talk about price, and I’ll buy a new one.” In the end, we spent 5200 yuan and bought a new three-wheeled electric vehicle.

After we got the new electric vehicle and arrived home, the young men responsible for the accident called me. They asked if it had been repaired. I told them the vehicle was not repaired and that we bought a new one, so they didn’t need to pay a single penny. However, I hoped they could visit our home sometime to talk because things couldn’t be explained clearly over the phone. They came to our home that evening and brought fruit. We talked a lot, and I told them about the miracles of Dafa that we experienced, clarified the truth to them, and helped them quit the CCP.

The younger man said, “When I first saw you, I felt you are kind and are different from other women who usually scold or argue aggressively. We guessed you might have some faith. We caused trouble for your husband, yet you didn’t ask for compensation and instead thought about us in every way. How can we thank you?” I said: “Don’t thank us, thank my Master. Actually, we haven’t done well; many Dafa disciples do much better than us. I hope you can take this amulet to your family and show them the auspicious words, which will allow your family to receive the blessings of heaven.” They happily agreed and left.