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Knowing How to Cultivate

July 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I recently realized that as Falun Dafa practitioners whether we know how to cultivate or not is reflected in how we think about, react to, and handle everything that happens to us on a daily basis. Whether the matter affects us personally or we are just observers, these are opportunities for us to improve.

Some practitioners diligently study the Fa, do the exercise, send righteous thoughts, and clarify the truth. Yet, they still feel they do not know how to cultivate, as they do not know how to reflect based on the Fa and righteous thoughts.

Ms. Wang’s husband, who is not a Falun Dafa practitioner, was sick. He had the chills and felt uncomfortable. Ms. Wang spent time and effort taking care of him. One day, while warming up milk in the kitchen, Ms. Wang thought: Dafa practitioners’ family members are here to help with Fa-rectification, isn’t my husband’s illness a form of interference? Master already pushed us to our levels so we have some power. I should not be fooled by surface appearances.

As she stirred the milk, she thought: Let my compassion be put into this cup of milk to nourish even the smallest element in my husband’s body, let his whole body be awaken and saved.

Her husband drank the milk and afterwards said he felt better. He recovered the next day.

From this experience, Ms. Wang realized that Falun Dafa practitioners indeed have power! Since then, no matter what she was doing, even trivial things she remembered to associate them with the Fa. As time passed, Ms. Wang’s righteous thoughts got stronger and her understanding of the Fa was clearer. Her effectiveness in clarifying the truth also became more powerful.

An imprisoned practitioner was ordered to do cleaning work one day. He quietly mopped the floor and thought: Since I’m here, I’ll use this opportunity to completely eliminate any interference. As he mopped the floor he silently recited Master’s Fa

“...Sweeping away rotten ghosts that disrupt FaDo not say the compassionate heart is inadequate”(“The Sky Is Clear Again,” Hong Yin II)

The other prisoners did their work mechanically. Although on the surface he looked like one of them, because he had the Fa in his mind he was eliminating the evil with every swipe of his mop. How can the evil in other dimensions endure this? This practitioner was soon released.

If everyone of us Falun Dafa practitioners can keep a righteous mind at all times, who dares to touch us?