(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Berlin and the State of Brandenburg held activities in Treptower Park on July 14, 2024, to tell people how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Dafa for 25 years. They also called for an end to the CCP’s crime of harvesting organs from living practitioners.

People learn about the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Practitioners tell people about Falun Dafa.

Daniel M, a journalist, told a practitioner that those who demonstrated the exercises had a peaceful strength. The practitioner told him how the CCP utilizes propaganda and the state apparatus in China to slander Falun Dafa, and how practitioners in China are tortured, and their organs are harvested. Daniel said he was saddened and astonished by the brutality.

Daniel holds a banner condemning the CCP’s organ harvesting which targets practitioners.

Daniel signed a petition and a protest letter that will be sent to the Chinese Embassy in Germany. He told practitioners, “As a journalist, I shall learn more about it. It’s my top responsibility to dig out the truth.”

Another local resident Henry, said that he often saw practitioners distributing flyers in front of the Chinese Embassy. “The Chinese Communist Party tries to draw a line of freedom for the Chinese people. If you have your independent opinion or practice your belief, you will be persecuted. It also tries to export its ideas, so that you won’t feel its threat or harm, but it will be too late by the time you feel something is wrong. We need to watch out.” he said.

After signing the petition, Henry told Falun Gong practitioners, “I support you! I hope the persecution ends soon!”