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Sacramento, California: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the State Fair

July 18, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in California

(Minghui.org) The annual California State Fair was held in the capital, Sacramento, on July 12, 2024, and will be held for two weeks. Practitioners set up a booth near the entrance in the Free Speech Zone to tell people about Falun Dafa, and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) decades long persecution.

Because of the hot weather, the Falun Dafa booth was the only one in the Free Speech Zone, and it was easy for people to see it. Many people accepted leaflets, and others talked with practitioners to learn more.

Practitioners participated in the California State Fair.

Police Officer Encourages Practitioners

Because the Free Speech Zone booth could only be set up for five days, practitioners chose the five days during the weekend, and Saturday, July 12 was the first day.

Practitioners talked to a police officer who was patrolling the fair. When he heard that the CCP was persecuting Falun Dafa, he said the Party was evil and that he knew there were no human rights in today’s China. He also said the Communist Party was systematically promoting communism here in the United States. He also said American public schools, media, government, etc., are now sadly infiltrated by communism.

When practitioners suggested that he read the Epoch Times, he said he was a loyal reader. He subscribes to and receives the e-newspaper every morning and the printed newspaper every week. He was glad practitioners were at the fair and told people about Falun Dafa.

People Take the Initiative to Spread the Truth

A mother and daughter stopped to talk with practitioners. They said they admired them when they learned that they volunteer their free time to tell people the facts, and gratefully accepted handmade lotus flowers. The mother also repeatedly urged practitioners to drink plenty of water and protect themselves from the sun to prevent heat stroke.

A lady (first from left) encouraged the practitioners

David, a fair staff member, drives an electric cart to transport people between the parking lot and the entrance. Practitioners told David about the persecution almost ten years ago, and every year since then, he has helped them spread the truth by handing out lotus flowers with information about Falun Dafa to his passengers.

David (first from left) works for the fair.

He said that people respond positively when they receive the little lotus flowers. One lady looked sad, so he gave her a lotus flower. Her eyes immediately brightened, and her face visibly changed.

He told practitioners that they were spreading positive energy. He said that even though on the surface, there may not seem to be much change after they distribute a leaflet or a lotus flower, the world will definitely be changed by their positive energy if they continue like this.

A lady and her two daughters (second, third, and fourth from the left).

After a lady from Vietnam and her two daughters received a leaflet and lotus flowers, the Vietnamese-speaking practitioner spoke in depth about why people practice Falun Dafa and the persecution. The mother was very interested and talked with the practitioner for a long time. She and her two daughters learned to make lotus flowers. They stayed at the booth for a long time, and said they felt like family or close friends.

The two little girls made several lotus flowers and handed them out to people passing by.