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The Wonderfulness of Letting Go of the Attachment to Gain and Benefits

July 17, 2024 |   By Ning Jing, s Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was going to renovate my son’s house, but when I brought the materials home and checked them I found that a board was missing. However, the supplier did not admit that anything could be missing. Therefore, I could only purchase one more piece instead. 

After completing the renovation, it was discovered that the supplier had given quite a lot of extra quantity for one of the other materials and their cost exceeded that of the additional board. I realized that this was a test arranged by Master. The extra material should be returned to the supplier, and it was what a cultivator should do. Therefore, when the supplier wanted to refund me when we were finalizing the bill, I told him frankly, “You do not need to refund anything because these materials are extra that you had given me. I am just returning them to you.”

Due to the stoppage of the water supply, my son’s neighbor upstairs forgot to turn off the tap after turning it on. Therefore, when the water supply resumed, the newly renovated wall became wet. As the wall is painted with white latex paint, it tends to form bubbles that break when the wall gets wet. If this happened to ordinary people, a fight would be imminent. However, I did not let this matter get to my heart at that time, nor did I blame the neighbor upstairs or ask him for compensation. Instead, I pointed to the wall and said jokingly, “Stay there and do not break apart.” In the end, the latex paint did not break apart. The floor that had been immersed in water also did not concave upwards either. It was really miraculous.

There was another time when my daughter-in-law forgot to turn off the radiator exhaust valve. By the time my son got home, the water level on the floor was already quite high. As the floor is made of wood, water could destroy the floor. However, after the incident, the floor was still alright.

My son’s neighbor downstairs used the same brand of flooring as we used in my son’s house and bought it from the same supplier. One of the boards in his neighbor’s house curved up and when he asked the supplier to come and repair it, the supplier said that it was due to them using too much water to mop the floor. However, my son’s flooring has been submerged in water twice, but it still remains fine.

I understood that this is the result after Master saw that I had let go of my attachment to gains and benefits. This made me experience the wonderfulness of letting go of the attachment to gains and benefits. At the same time, I also gained another level of understanding about the Fa principle of “...no loss, no gain.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)