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Netherlands: Events Raise Awareness in Front of Parliament and Call to End the Persecution in China

July 16, 2024

(Minghui.org) June 26, 2024 was the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Falun Dafa practitioners in the Netherlands gathered in front of the parliament buildings (Binnenhof) in The Hague from June 26 to 28 and from July 2 to 4 to raise awareness of the persecution in China that has been going on for 25 years, especially the atrocity of organ harvesting, to the Members of the Dutch Parliament. They called on them to sign a global joint statement to condemn the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and stop it from persecuting practitioners in China.

Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises in front of the parliament buildings in The Hague and explained the facts about Falun Dafa to passersby and Members of Parliament.

Practitioners put up huge banners with messages such as: “Stop Persecuting Falun Dafa,” “Stop Killing Falun Dafa Practitioners for Their Organs!” “Falun Dafa Practiced in Over 100 Countries,” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance,” the principles of Falun Dafa.

It was sunny during the first week of the event and the temperature reached 29 degrees Celsius. It rained continuously during the second week and the temperature dropped. Regardless of the weather, practitioners continued demonstrating the Falun Dafa exercises across the street from the parliament buildings and distributing informational brochures to passersby. They introduced Falun Dafa to people and informed the members of parliament about the CCP’s persecution of practitioners. Some members of parliament said they would pay attention to the issue, and some passersby expressed their support.

Members of Parliament Pay Attention to the Persecution

The event was held when the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Falun Gong Protection Act in a unanimous vote. Practitioners shared this news with members of the Netherlands parliament.

An MP took the joint statement handed to him by a practitioner and said he knew about the persecution of practitioners in China and that China has severe human rights violation issues. Some MPs said that they would read the information they received to learn more about Falun Dafa and the persecution, and they wished the practitioners good luck.

Hasina Bajraktarevic, who works in the parliament building, talked to a practitioner at noon on June 27. She said that she lives in Rotterdam and often sees practitioners clarifying the truth on the street, and she also tried the Falun Dafa exercises. She hoped to do something to help end the persecution.

Hasina Bajraktarevic supported the practitioners in calling to end the persecution.

She took some photos of practitioners meditating. She had tears in her eyes as a practitioner described the persecution practitioners in China are subjected to. Hasina immediately signed the joint statement and left her contact information. She invited the practitioner to come to her office to talk in detail.

People Learn the Facts and Support Practitioners Calling to End the Persecution

A woman who works as a volunteer service provider noticed practitioners doing the exercises. She talked with practitioners and learned that the CCP has persecuted practitioners for 25 years and it is still going on. She thought that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are worth respecting and the CCP’s atrocities of organ harvesting were too evil. She signed her name on the petition calling to stop the organ harvesting and gladly accepted the informational brochure.

A volunteer service provider condemned the CCP’s organ harvesting from practitioners.

Many passersby were attracted by the soothing music as practitioners demonstrated Falun Dafa’s five slow, smooth and graceful exercises, and accepted informational brochures. Many people hurried past the event on their bikes, but then turned back to get a brochure and learn why it was held.

A young man signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Practitioners told people how the CCP cruelly persecutes practitioners in China and advised them to see through the CCP’s true nature and refuse to stand with it. Many people agreed and expressed their support for practitioners in calling to end the persecution. Some people stopped their cars and opened their windows to learn about the event and asked practitioners for informational brochures.