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I Can Access Minghui.org Every Day

July 13, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am 60 years old this year, and I was lucky to have obtained the Fa in 1996. Under Master’s benevolent watch and protection, I have not taken any medication since then. Thank you, Master, for all you have suffered for me; no words can describe my gratitude. I can only heed your words and do the three things well.

There are seven practitioners who can access Minghui.org in my area. Of these seven, only another male practitioner and I can log on to the internet basically every day. The other practitioners either say that they cannot log on to the webpage or that they can only log on once every few days and then lose the connection after a while. Some give up after a few tries.

The male practitioner and I are both in charge of submitting the lists of names of the people who have agreed to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, as well as the solemn statements for people who want to null and void the documents they were forced to sign under duress by the CCP to say they would give up practicing Falun Dafa.

We are not allowed to be lazy, nor can we delay any submissions. Therefore, no matter how busy we are, we need to log on to the webpage every day. I need to log on to Minghui.org every night. Sometimes it might be difficult and I have to try a few times. Sometimes I just need to log on to the internet to access the Minghui webpage with no waiting at all. Some practitioners have said that they give up after trying a few times and will go to bed instead. I asked them what time they went to bed and they said, “Around eight o’clock.” Sometimes I will be on the Minghui website until I send forth righteous thoughts at midnight before I go to bed.

A practitioner who lives about 10 miles from me often said he could not access Minghui.org. I went to her house once when she said that she could not log on. I told her to turn on her computer and try surfing the internet for a while, but she said she still could not log on to the webpage. However, when I tried surfing the internet, it just took a while for me to log on to Minghui.org. She was also able to log on for a period of time before she lost the connection again. During the Chinese New Year, I went to her house again and she said that she had not been able to log on to the web page for some time. However, when I tried on her computer, I was able to access it quickly. Having logged on, I helped her to download the weekly publication about remembering Master’s gratitude and it downloaded quickly. When she took over, the computer would not log on to the webpage. Since then, she has received her weekly publication from me.

My own understanding is that when our righteous thoughts are strong and we are doing Dafa things that align with the Fa, the evil will not dare to obstruct us. I must do the three things every day. In the winter when there is not much work to be done, I will memorize, study, and copy the Fa in the morning; do some housework; go out to clarify the truth and encourage people to quit the CCP and its youth organizations; print the weekly publications; make small truth-clarifying booklets and stickers; type up practitioner cultivation experience sharing articles in the afternoon; and go online to submit those articles at night. I basically do not miss any of the four fixed times to send righteous thoughts.

During normal times, whenever I have some time on the hour, I will also send forth righteous thoughts for 10 minutes. I also listen to the weekly recordings on Minghui radio that I have downloaded while I am doing housework. I study Master’s other lectures during the time that I have left so that I do not waste any time.

I must cherish the precious time that Master has extended for us to study the Fa well, save more people, and complete our prehistoric vows so that I can succeed in my cultivation and follow Master back to the heavens.

The above are my personal understandings. Kindly let me know if there is any room for improvement.