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My Relatives and Friends Who Listened to Falun Dafa Lectures Didn’t Die After All

July 13, 2024 |   By Qingjing, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Because I benefited so much physically and mentally from Falun Dafa after I began practicing in February 1997, I told my relatives and friends about it and gave some of them copies of Zhuan Falun, the main book of the practice. Many of them were also blessed by Dafa.

People who agree that Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa, especially since the Chinese Communist Party began persecuting it, have been blessed. Many things that seem impossible turn out to be possible. Below are some of the amazing things I witnessed after people listened to the Falun Dafa lectures.

My Brother Recovers from Leukemia

In 1998, my younger brother who lives in my hometown, thousands of miles away, was diagnosed with leukemia. It was midnight when I saw him in the hospital emergency room, and he was running a high fever. I handed him a copy of Zhuan Falun, and he sat up and opened it. He looked at the photo of Master Li and said that he was smiling at him. He said, “I used to see scary faces outside the window at night, but I haven’t seen any tonight.” His fever went away the next day.

I talked to his doctor, who said that my brother would die soon because there was no known medication that could cure his condition. We quickly transferred him to a big hospital in Beijing, where he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, the most aggressive form of leukemia. He needed immediate surgery. The operation was risky, so the doctor issued a critical condition notice.

We tried to take my brother to the operating room on the fifth floor, but the elevator door failed to open and the elevator operator was off work. As we were anxiously waiting, the elevator light suddenly came on and the door opened. Everyone was confused. My husband said that the elevator started to work as soon as he touched it with his key. It was incredible.

The elevator operator showed up about an hour after the operation. He was surprised that the elevator was working. He said that it had been out of order for days, and several doctors and nurses were even locked in for hours the day before. Only then did we realize: If we’d been locked up in that elevator for hours, my brother might have died. It was Master who saved my brother.

My family members, relatives, and friends all witnessed the miraculous power of Dafa. No one could have imagined that my husband’s key could make an elevator operate normally. My brother soon woke up, and everyone was overjoyed.

That was 26 years ago, and my brother has had a fulfilling and happy life. Although he does not practice Falun Dafa he’s listened to Master's lectures, protected Dafa books, helped make truth-clarifying CDs, and recorded Dafa tapes. He also repaired MP3 players and did a lot of things for practitioners.

Sister Recovers from Colon Cancer

My younger sister was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010. She was told after she had surgery that the cancer cells metastasized to her blood vessels. She lay in bed feeling helpless. I put the MP3 player earbuds into her ears and played Master’s Fa teaching given in Guangzhou. After listening to the lecture, she didn’t want to return the player to me.

My sister said she had a dream after she listened to the lecture. In the dream, she was foundering in water that was almost up to her eyes. Just then a big boat came along and rescued her. She saw me practicing the exercises with many other practitioners, on the shore and she joined us and began practicing.

Her dream turned into reality. She began practicing Falun Dafa and was protected by Master. Her cancer miraculously disappeared.

Relative with Liver Cancer Regains Health

My niece's father-in-law had liver cancer in 2013 and required invasive surgery. He underwent similar operations every two years at the cost of tens of thousands of yuan each time. As small business owners, my niece and her husband were worried that they would run out of money. They tried to seek financial help online but without much luck. I gave my niece 2,000 yuan, and gave her father-in-law an MP3 player with Master’s teachings recorded on it. I told them that he would be blessed if he believed in Dafa and listened to the lectures.

My niece’s father-in-law listened to the lectures every day. A few days later, he was taken to the hospital for a follow-up exam. The doctor said they saw no cancer cells and that he could return to work.

A Wife Is Able to Work

The wife of Mr. Zhou at the company where I worked had cancer. Another practitioner and I went to clarify the truth to her. We also brought her an MP3 player which contained Master’s lectures. She was very happy and listened to them every day. She was able to return to work.