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Podcast (Cultivation): [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Compassion Can Melt Ice

July 12, 2024 |   Minghui.org

(Minghui.org) Welcome to the Minghui Radio podcasts. Topics include stories relating to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, insights and experiences gained by practitioners during the course of their cultivation, special items of interest, and music composed and performed by Dafa practitioners.

Podcast 1482: A woman from Heilongjiang Province, once riddled with illnesses and suffering in despair, is now 72 years old. She has been practicing Falun Dafa since 1998 and is free of illness. Her vibrant health has become a living example of the power and benevolence of Dafa for many family members and those in her community, many of who once doubted Dafa after believing the lies and propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party. This and other stories from the Minghui website.

1. [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Compassion Can Melt Ice2. The Importance of Eliminating Our Hidden Attachments

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