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I Chose to Stay in China When My Husband Wanted to Go Abroad

June 30, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) After a New Tang Dynasty Satellite TV (NTDTV) was installed in our home, my husband liked to watch it. He now understands the truth and has developed a strong sense of justice through its programs. He no longer watches the news on CCTV, and does not object to my practicing Falun Dafa. After an app to circumvent the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Great Firewall internet censorship system was installed on our smart phones he started browsing the Internet outside China every day.

One day before Chinese New Year two years ago, my husband suddenly decided he wanted to move overseas. He said that China’s economy was getting worse and he felt it was unsafe for me in China. He later told me he contacted a friend abroad and that we should start applying for our passports. I told him I didn’t want to leave China.

My son, our parents, and our brother and sister all opposed my husband’s idea because we knew the difficulties of moving overseas, from the language barrier to navigating a new, unfamiliar environment.

I considered it from the perspective of a cultivator. My cultivation time is limited, and the Fa-rectification is already transitioning to Fa-rectification of the human world. The time that Master repeatedly extended is for us to save sentient beings. Should I waste this precious time? It’s very difficult to save people in China. Every project is facing difficulties and a shortage of people. Practitioners work diligently to save people every day. Aren’t more Dafa disciples better? Doesn’t each additional practitioner add more power to save people?

Master said that the main body of Dafa disciples is in China. I decided that I should stay here. My mission is in China. This is the environment where I’m supposed to validate the Fa and save people. I wanted to cherish this precious time.

Fellow practitioners also pointed out to me that his suggestion was interference. After I let go of my resentment and desire for money, my husband no longer talked about going abroad.

I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. During my two decades of cultivation, I always felt that I understood the Fa perceptually, and I still have difficulty passing xinxing tests. After I started memorizing the Fa in 2023, I experienced significant changes in my character.

I recently returned to my hometown. At that time two local practitioners’ houses were ransacked and two materials printing sites were destroyed.

When I heard what happened I thought I could help. Several practitioners approached me and asked if I could establish a new printing site. I agreed, and soon a new printing site was up and running.

I thought about installing clean Windows systems for practitioners. I browsed technical forums and downloaded learning materials. It took me more than twenty days but the installation was successful.

Some practitioners said the Internet was very slow, but if I wanted to study or solve problems, whenever I used the computer, I was able to quickly connect to the Internet (break through the Great Firewall). I knew that Master was helping me. When our thoughts are on saving people, Master helps us.