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[Celebrating Falun Dafa Day] Dafa Is Saving People

June 3, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m 73 years old and I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. 

I was a “medicine basket” before I practiced Falun Dafa. I contracted phthisis (tuberculosis) when I was 16 years old. Due to the huge mental pressure, I became depressed. I couldn’t sleep. I had two surgeries on my ovaries and had one removed. After the second surgery, I had urinary incontinence. I also had problems with my breasts, stomach and brain. I was on all sorts of medication. I suffered from those illnesses for most of my life. 

When I just started to practice Falun Dafa, I thought it was an ordinary qigong, and I didn’t cultivate my xinxing. As I studied the Fa more after the persecution started, I understood that Falun Dafa is a universal great way and that practitioners become good people by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and reach the realm of selflessness. My illnesses disappeared gradually as I cultivated myself. Two miraculous incidents impressed me most and I still remember them vividly. 

Master published the article “Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World’s People” in 2004. I wanted to go to my hometown to save the people in my village. It was not convenient to travel to the countryside because I had urine leakage. I hesitated whether I should go there for several days and I talked with other practitioners. One practitioner said, “How come you still have illness? We don’t have any.” At the time I thought that urinary incontinence wouldn’t go away. 

I looked within as to why I still hadn’t recovered after the surgery. I found the reason, which was that I didn’t study the Fa well and thought cultivation was just practicing the exercises. 

I nonetheless decided to go to my hometown to save sentient beings. 

The next morning I felt that something was different. The urine leakage stopped. Master removed this illness for me when he saw my wish to save people. It was convenient for me to go to my village now. I approached whoever I was able to contact and clarified the truth to them. Thank you, Master! 

I felt uncomfortable in my stomach after I sent forth righteous thoughts one midnight in 2014. I began hiccuping, so I drank some water and wanted to vomit. I went to the bathroom and vomited out a small fleshy ball. Then I felt comfortable. 

I realized that Master removed this ball of karma for me. It was miraculous. I was very thankful to Master. I showed it to my son. He believed in Falun Dafa then. 

I have been healthy over the past 20-plus years and saved a lot on medical expenses. Millions upon millions of Falun Dafa practitioners became healthy after they took up Falun Dafa and have saved huge medical expenses for China and other countries. Thank you, Master for your saving grace!

My Mother’s Gallstones Were Broken Up

My mother called me one day in 2005 when she was 76 and said that she had severe pain in her stomach. I took her to the hospital. A scan showed that she had a 1.2 cm. gallstone. The doctor said that my mother needed surgery. 

I called in my sister and brother. I gave Mother a Falun Dafa amulet and told her to recite “Falun Dafa is good.” We took her to another hospital miles away from our home. The doctor asked my mother if her pain was reduced. She said yes. The doctor suggested that we wait until the following day and let the specialist re-examine her before they did the operation. We came home at 10 p.m. 

My brother rang me the next day saying that our mother had another scan in the hospital near her home. The scan showed several gallstones. The biggest one was 0.6cm. She wasn’t in pain and didn’t need surgery. 

My mother sincerely recited “Falun Dafa is good” and thus avoided surgery. I knew that Master helped break up her gallstones. Falun Dafa is miraculous.

My cousin was a county government official and believed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) lies. He was very much against Falun Dafa. His home was far away, but I made a special trip to see him and clarified the truth to him. He didn’t accept anything I said. He said that his neighbors would report me to the police if they knew there was a Falun Dafa person at his home. We were very close when we were young. He treated me coldly because I practice Falun Dafa, but I knew he was brainwashed by the CCP. 

I saw him on another occasion at a relative’s home. I clarified the truth to him and told him that my mother’s gallstones broke up after she recited ‘Falun Dafa is good.’ He asked my mother whether she indeed recited that phrase. My mother said yes, and that she did it because she was in severe pain. He was surprised and changed his attitude a bit. I hope he can gradually accept Falun Dafa. 

My Brother’s Family Is Blessed

I have three brothers. Only one brother has a boy (my nephew). After he married, his wife became pregnant with a boy. The whole family was very happy. 

The wife had a scan during the pregnancy. The scan showed that the baby suffered from hydronephrosis (distension of the kidneys due to urine buildup), which was a big blow to the family. 

I called my nephew’s wife and said, “I believe in Falun Gong and have seen many miracles. My mother recited ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and her gallstones disappeared. Anything can change if you recite ‘Falun Dafa is good’ sincerely.” I clarified the truth to their family, and my brother said that Falun Dafa is good. He read the materials I gave him, and he and his wife quit the CCP. My nephew’s wife said that she would repeat the two phrases. 

She went to the hospital for a checkup a week later. The doctor said the hydronephrosis had disappeared. The boy is normal and is now in grade four. 

My nephew’s company was 680 kilometers away from home. His father spent over one hundred thousand yuan to bribe officials in the hope that his son could be transferred to a company in their city. When he failed he was angry. 

The family recited “Falun Dafa is good” when the nephew’s wife was in her late stages of her pregnancy. My nephew received a phone call from his company informing him that he could be transferred to another company. My sister’s company accepted him and offered him a good position. 

During the pandemic, I rang my brother and my nephew and asked their families to recite “Falun Dafa is good.” They were all safe and none of them were infected with COVID. 

They all knew they were blessed by Falun Dafa.

The Cashier Was Touched

I was a sales person for a company in 2002. I went to pay a bill on behalf of my client. I gave the cashier the money, and she gave me ten yuan in change. 

When I came home, I found that I still some cash in my bag. I had given the cashier one thousand yuan less. I rang her and told her I did not give her enough money. 

When I returned the money to her, the cashier was moved. I clarified the truth to the three people who were there.

I have practiced Falun Dafa for over twenty years, and I have experienced many miracles. People are blessed after they learn the truth and sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good.”

I’d like to wish Master a happy birthday. Thank you, Master!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)