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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] At Nearly 80 Years Old, I Survived Being Hit by a Car

June 3, 2024 |   By Xin Yu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) This year I’m 79 years old. I was clarifying the truth to people about Falun Dafa at a bus stop when a bus pulled up. No one got on or off the bus, but the driver opened the door and shouted to me, “You really scared me!” At that moment, I thought, “I’m at the bus stop, and you’re driving on the road, how did I scare you?” I approached the door and asked, “What’s wrong?” He said, “I’m referring to the day you got off my bus, crossed the street, and were suddenly hit by a car and thrown into the air. It was so terrifying!”

It turned out that he’d witnessed that accident when I was hit by a car. He was surprised I was still alive. He let out a long sigh and said, “You are fortunate!” I replied, “Sir, thank you for asking. I practice Falun Dafa and have Master Li’s protection. That’s the reason you see me today.”

The accident happened in early November 2023. That morning, after studying the Fa with my study group, I went to visit a fellow practitioner to discuss how to help another practitioner who was going through a tribulation. I needed to change buses twice to get there. I got off the bus and was about to cross the street to catch another bus when I saw my next bus arriving. In my haste, I ran to catch the next bus and was hit by a car in the middle of the road.

I hit the ground and couldn’t move. But I was very clear-headed and shouted out, “Master, save me! Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

The young man who hit me helped me into his car and wanted to take me to the hospital. I said, “No need, just take me home.” The young man was very nervous and drove in the wrong direction several times before finally arriving at my home. After helping me inside, he talked to my husband, who is also a practitioner. The young man insisted on taking me to the hospital. I said, “Both of us practice Falun Dafa, and we have our Master’s protection. Doing the exercises at home will make me better. We won’t blame you; it was my fault for being in too much of a hurry.” He wanted to leave his phone number and license plate number.

To ease his worries, I only asked for his last name and the last character of his first name. I then helped him quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations and told him to remember, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He was very emotional and repeatedly said, “Good, good!” I replied, “Don’t worry. I’ll recover soon.”

When my daughter (also a practitioner) came home, she saw that both my legs were black and purple, with a palm-sized lump on my right hip. I couldn’t stand, walk, or lie down. She said, “Mom, you’re almost 80 years old and got hit like this. If I hadn’t learned Dafa, I would have tied you up with a rope and taken you to the hospital. Let’s take this bad event as a good thing. Believe in Master and Dafa, and we can get through this.”

She quickly prepared the sofa by putting out blankets and pillows and helped me sit as comfortably as possible. During the first few days, I was in so much pain that I couldn’t sleep. I only dozed off for one or two hours a day. My daughter and husband took turns taking care of me. Going to the bathroom was tough, as I had to lean on their necks with both hands and move little by little, leaving them sweating each time.

Looking Within

During this period, several practitioners continuously came to visit me. They helped me look within and sent forth righteous thoughts for me. One practitioner saw how much pain I was in and encouraged me, saying, “You have four divine beings in your family (my husband, two children, and myself). You will definitely get through this!”

Looking within, I knew I needed to find the issues in my cultivation that led to the accident, and rectify myself. Cultivation is about cultivating my heart and mind. On the surface, I was actively helping fellow practitioners with their issues but, meanwhile, I harbored many human attachments and negative thoughts. For example, the fellow practitioner I was helping had been persecuted by the CCP and imprisoned for three years. She had severe health issues and was released on medical parole. Her family didn’t understand her practice, causing a lot of tension among them. Other practitioners took her in and cared for her. 

I often wondered, “What if she fails to overcome this tribulation, and her family doesn’t care for her?” These worries and concerns were all selfish thoughts, reflecting my lack of faith in Master and the Fa. Without righteous thoughts, how could I eliminate the evil elements persecuting fellow practitioners and help them overcome their tribulations?

I remembered reading an article on the Minghui website a few years before about a practitioner in Heilongjiang Province. She was persecuted in prison to the brink of death, and her husband left her. At that time, an elderly practitioner she didn’t know took her home. The elderly practitioner studied the Fa with her and overcame many difficulties to help her do the exercises. Soon, she miraculously recovered. Compared to this elderly practitioner, I felt ashamed. Righteous thoughts aren’t just spoken; they are based on solid, long-term cultivation. And when one’s xinxing reaches the standard, the Fa’s divine power will manifest.

During this process of looking within, my strong attachment to doing things also surfaced. The accident occurred on a weekend, when I was responsible for providing truth-clarification materials to several practitioners. I had in mind to hurry home to download and print them, which was also part of why I rushed forward recklessly.

I also recalled what a fellow practitioner once said to me when we were travelling together. I had walked very quickly after getting off the bus. The practitioner pointed out that I should walk steadily and that walking too fast was inappropriate for my age. I also knew that walking too fast while crossing the road was dangerous. 

However, when no one was watching, I still walked quickly, which was driven by formed notions and habits. I had a show-off mentality, complacency, jealousy, resentment, fear, as well as being imbued with Party culture. I resolved to treat this tribulation as an opportunity to eliminate these attachments thoroughly.

Rectifying Myself

Enduring physical pain was indeed a test for my heart. During the day, my husband and I studied the Fa together. When he went out to clarify the truth or distribute truth-clarification materials, I recited the Fa. I also read fellow practitioners’ cultivation experience sharing articles on the Minghui website. But at night, I couldn’t lie down or sit comfortably, and the soles of my feet felt like they were on fire, making it impossible to sleep.

I recited,

“Zhen Shan Ren—three sacred words have boundless Fa powersFalun Dafa is good—true thoughts alter all disasters” (“The Source of All Fa,” Hong Yin IV)

In the morning, while my husband did the exercises, I gritted my teeth and tried to practice the first and third exercises. For the second exercise, I started with 20 minutes, then gradually increased to 30 minutes and 40 minutes, and finally persisted for an hour. I used the same approach to do the fifth exercise—I increased the duration bit by bit until I could practice for an hour.

Sometimes, when the pain in my legs was unbearable, I often glanced at the clock to see how much time was left. I eventually realized this wasn’t right. To walk the path of a divine being, I had to completely transform my human notions, endure suffering, and even endure the most extreme hardship. Afterwards, I put the clock aside and focused on the exercise music.

Master said,

“When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

Master’s words constantly encouraged me, helping me to emerge from almost overwhelming pain and see the light.

This whole time, I continued to provide truth-clarification materials to several fellow practitioners. In the first two weeks, I guided my daughter, step by step, to operate the equipment and print the materials. Two weeks later, I persisted in doing it myself. Although the task was difficult, it helped divert my attention from the pain in my legs and feet, achieving two goals simultaneously.

Master said,

“A Great Enlightened One fears no hardshipHaving forged an adamantine willFree of attachment to living or dyingHe walks the path of Fa-rectificationconfident and poised”(“Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions,” Hong Yin II)

Going Out to Save People

For over 20 years, regardless of the harsh weather, I consistently went out every day to tell people about how good Falun Dafa is. During this tribulation, my greatest regret was not being able to go out and clarify the truth to people face-to-face.

A month after the accident, I started to go downstairs. I then went out to take the bus for one or two stops and used the time to talk to people about Dafa. I longed to meet people, and it felt like I was reuniting with old friends. This mindset made it easy to start conversations. Although I hadn’t fully recovered, I tried to stand straight and help others when getting on and off the bus, especially helping older people and offering my seat to others. No one could tell there was anything different about me.

On one bus ride, I gave my seat to a young person carrying many things. I walked to the back of the bus and found another seat. An elderly woman nearby looked concerned that the young man who helped her with her things didn’t have a seat. I told her that I gave the young man my seat and found this one. She happily exclaimed, “Thank you [for your kindness]!” 

The woman said, “I’m getting old and am no longer useful. My back and legs aren’t good, and I need others to help me with things.” I asked her how old she was, and she repliedshe was 65. I told her, “I used to be very sick, but after practicing Falun Dafa, I became free of illness and haven’t taken any medicine for nearly 30 years.” She listened to my story and asked how old I was. I told her I was 78. She was amazed: “You don’t look like someone who’s 78!” Her voice was a bit loud, and the passengers in the front turned around. Almost in unison, they exclaimed, “Wow, you don’t look it at all! You don’t even have wrinkles on your face!”

About 50 days later, I was almost fully recovered. During the New Year, I returned to my hometown and reunited with over 20 family members at a banquet. Before the meal started, I gave a speech, telling my family about my miraculous recovery: “Without taking any medicine or getting any injections, I got through it by studying the Fa and doing the exercises. This is the power of Dafa and Master’s compassion, which is why you see a healthy me today.” Many of my younger relatives listened with tears of joy in their eyes.

“You all understand the truth, you are my family, and even more, you are Master’s family. Always remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!’ In times of disaster, these phrases can save your life.” Everyone responded, “Good!” and gave me a warm round of applause. After the banquet, they surrounded me, asking questions and wanting to hear more of the truth.

Today, on World Falun Dafa Day, I again express my gratitude for Master’s compassionate salvation, which gave me a new life! I also thank my fellow practitioners and family members who helped me endure this tribulation!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)