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Experience Sharing Conference in Montreal, Canada

June 29, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) The annual Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Montreal was held in Ville Saint-Pierre on June 23, 2024. Eleven Falun Dafa practitioners from the Province of Quebec shared their experiences of following Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and clarifying the truth about the persecution. Attendees said they benefited a great deal from what they heard.

The annual Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Montreal was held in Ville Saint-Pierre on June 23.

Practitioners describe their experiences.

Eliminating Negative Thoughts and Changing Notions

Ms. Nguyen talked about her experiences while promoting Shen Yun. She was annoyed to see a fellow practitioner give an over-simplified introduction of Shen Yun to a potential customer. Looking within, she found her own arrogance and attachment to judging others. She tried to eliminate her negative thoughts. When someone asked her about the show, she didn’t understand the question and was embarrassed. The fellow practitioner helped her with the introduction, and the person bought tickets.

Ms. Nguyen realized the importance eliminating negative thoughts, which could keep people from learning the truth about Falun Dafa.

By studying the Fa, she also realized that helping Master rectify the Fa required her to change her notions. One man told her that he didn’t like to see shows. Usually she would have given up and assume the man wasn’t predestined to see Shen Yun, but she realized she needed to change her own notions. She invited the man to sit down and chatted with him about traditional Chinese culture, faith, and the Universe. The man was interested and said he would re-think attending Shen Yun.

Strengthening Righteous Thoughts

Ms. Cong shared her experience of rescuing her mother. “Just because she clarified the truth, my mother was sentenced to four years in prison by the Chinese Communist Party when she was 78. I didn’t know what to do at first. My mind was filled with negative thoughts. Guided by the Fa and with fellow practitioners’ help, I was able to eliminate many attachments and did more than I thought I could.

“I called the head of the 610 Office and wrote to the prison authorities. The day our press conference was scheduled, all three of Montreal’s subway lines stopped working, which was unusual. A fellow practitioner took a taxi to the press conference. She realized that the negative entities created interference because they feared being exposed, because our press conference would be powerful. She told me that she maintained a pure mindset while she gave her speech that day. Another practitioner also told me that he felt strong energy while he gave his speech.”

Many people expressed their support to Ms. Cong throughout her rescue efforts. A tourist who happened to pass the event took a display board from Cong’s hands and started telling other tourists about Ms. Cong’s mother being imprisoned for following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He also took a picture with Ms. Cong and planned to help spread the message. A member of Parliament in Quebec also helped convey her message to the Parliament.

Rejecting Resentment and Cultivating Compassion

Sonia Rouleau said that Master’s recent article “Wake Up” made her realize she lacked compassion. Because her childhood was traumatic, she had difficulty eliminating her resentment. Although she tried to reconcile with the person who hurt her, a huge wall of resentment seemed to block her. Whenever her unhappy childhood memories surfaced, anger always took the upper hand.

Studying the Fa intensively, especially Master’s most recent lectures, helped Sonia a lot. She also sent righteous thoughts and did the exercises more often. She felt she gained a deeper understanding of compassion and of the importance of catching up with the progress of Fa rectification. She said, “The true sin is failing to cultivate myself solidly and failing to do what a Falun Dafa practitioner is supposed to do. The only way to cultivate well and improve my xinxing is to eliminate resentment.”

Many practitioners said they benefited from the experience sharing. Nathalie Beaudoin from Sherbrooke said listening to other practitioners’ experiences helped clear her thoughts, and she no longer felt lonely when facing cultivation tests. The sharing on eliminating resentment made her think about how she also needed to eliminate resentment.

Ms. Chen, a practitioner in Montreal, said she hadn’t been able to look within as deeply as other practitioners. She was most touched by the sharing about rescuing detained practitioners. “I feel encouraged to look into my cultivation problems.”

Josee Pinette from Laval started practicing Falun Dafa a year ago, and this was her first experience sharing conference. She felt greatly encouraged. “What those practitioners said about eliminating jealousy resonated with me,” Josee said. “I’m more determined to continue my cultivation. It’s so important!”