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Eliminate the Illusion of Illness with Righteous Thoughts

June 28, 2024 |   By Yuzhen, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa on June 5, 1999. In the early stage of my cultivation, I didn’t have a correct understanding of Dafa. I often held the thought of curing illness and keeping fit, which led to my loopholes being exposed by the old forces, time and time again, during the persecution. The root cause of this was the atheistic thinking of the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) culture, which was deeply ingrained in my mind.

With the help of other practitioners, I realized the seriousness of cultivation and made a solemn declaration. From then on, I started to study the Fa extensively, memorize the Fa, read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, as well as Minghui Weekly. I persisted in sending righteous thoughts every day at the four global times and eliminated the roots of the CCP’s culture within me. By measuring myself with the Fa, I identified some improper thoughts, understood the solemn nature of being a Dafa practitioner, and only followed what Master said.

Here are some of my experiences and understandings of eliminating sickness karma.

Helping a Practitioner Overcome Sickness Karma

During the summer of 2023, I received a call from my second eldest sister (also a practitioner), saying she wanted to see me. Hearing her weak voice, I immediately went to her home. When I arrived, she was lying in bed, unable to get up, saying she had been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar, which caused paralysis on one side of her body.

I listened to her speak, while silently sending righteous thoughts and clearing her dimensional field. After a few minutes, I said to her: “This is an illusion; you are a Dafa practitioner, and you are not ill. Quickly look inward and you’ll be able to get up. Don’t let the old forces persecute you by exploiting your loophole.” As soon as I said this, her eyes lit up, and she hurried to get up. She made it! She exclaimed excitedly: “Thank you!” I replied: “It is Master who saved you, so thank Master.” She said: “Thank you, Master!” She also found the reason for the false manifestation of sickness, which was her unkindness and failure to cultivate her speech with family members.

She asked me to join her to study the Fa and send righteous thoughts every afternoon. I arranged to go to her home every day to study the Fa with her, and I also brought Master’s newly published scriptures for her to read and asked her to transcribe and preserve them. But she said her hands were numb, and she couldn’t write.

I told her: “As a Dafa cultivator, you can transcribe them. Don’t be deceived by the old forces, never let them interfere.” Gradually, her hands naturally stretched out, the numbness disappeared, and she could transcribe the scriptures. We both expressed gratitude with our hands pressed together (heshi) for Master’s blessing!

After a week, she became clear-headed and no longer felt dizzy. She practiced the five sets of the exercises every morning and every time I went to her place to study the Fa.

Using Righteous Thoughts to Eliminate the Illusion of Sickness

In the spring of 2019, I suddenly felt chest pain and couldn’t eat. My daughter urged me to go to the hospital for a check-up. I said: “No need to, Master is taking care of me.” She didn’t pressure me to go but after seeing me cough severely, she made some garlic rock-sugar water for me to drink. I said: “You go to work. I’m fine, don’t worry.” I said I was fine but, actually, I felt pain in my chest and when I coughed severely, I couldn’t catch my breath. But my daughter didn’t know this.

After my daughter went to work, I said to Master in my heart: “Master, I am not ill, please bless me.” At the same time, I looked inward to see where I had gone wrong. I stood up by the edge of the bed and started to practice the first set of the exercises. As I did the movements, I dared not move much, so I took a break and then stretched again. It took me over an hour to finish the first set.

I continued practicing the exercises. When I had difficulty with it, I thought of what Master said: ““When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.”” (Lecture Nine in Zhuan Falun) I persisted back and forth, doing one movement after another. It took me almost a whole day to finish all five sets of the exercises. At this point, the chest pain was gone, but I kept coughing, spitting out gray pus and blood. I began to silently recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” And I sent strong righteous thoughts, asking Master for blessings, and to clear away all evil beings persecuting my body. While sending righteous thoughts, I heard a voice from another dimension saying: “You have advanced-stage lung cancer!” My heart trembled, and I immediately thought: “No, I do not, I am a true Dafa cultivator. With Master watching over me, this is an illusion. I will follow what Master says and go home with Master.” I continuously studied the Fa, practiced the exercises, and sent righteous thoughts for 21 days, and this false manifestation of illness karma disappeared!

My family witnessed firsthand how I overcame the sickness karma through studying the Fa and practicing the exercises. Afterward, they became even more supportive of my cultivation. Under Master’s protection, my health is good, even though I’m approaching 70 years old. A number of people thought I was only in my 50s when I did some cleaning work in a residential area.

In the process of my practicing cultivation, Master gradually opened my celestial eye. He often used this method to show me some scenes from other dimensions, encouraging me to elevate my xinxing.

For example, I was recently sending righteous thoughts to help a practitioner who was in a state of sickness karma, and I saw myself on a mountain path, climbing up many steps along the way. When I reached a high place, the steps disappeared, and there appeared a vast and boundless platform, with no end in sight.

I thought: “This platform cannot be the highest [point].” In an instant, the platform disappeared, and a large wooden ladder hung down from the sky, with many people climbing up the ladder one after another. But I thought to myself: “I still need to climb higher!”

When I woke up. I understood that Master showed me this scene to tell me that I still have a long way to go to reach the ultimate goal of cultivation, and I must continue to cultivate diligently. I feel honored to be a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period. I will surely follow Master’s teachings, strive to clarify the truth to every kind-hearted person I encounter, do the three things a Dafa disciple should do, and return home with Master!

I bow in gratitude for Master’s grace!
