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When My Character Improved My Celestial Eye Opened

June 28, 2024 |   By Xiyuan, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Before I practiced Falun Dafa I learned many qigong practices. My celestial eye was opened and I could see things in other dimensions. But I only saw ghosts because my level was low. I was obsessed with Zhuyou Ke (occult healing methods) and for years, I used a form of it to treat people. Consequently, ghosts followed me everywhere, but I did not understand why until I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996.

Scenes I’ve Seen

I meditated before I became a practitioner, and my soul often left me and flew out into the universe. But divine beings always stopped me from leaving Earth. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, no divine being stopped me.

At first, I was limited to see certain things in relatively low dimensions. I saw people in worlds similar to ours. I couldn’t fly into those dimensions and had to walk on the ground. Their technologies were not very advanced.

As my xinxing level improved, I saw the words in Zhuan Falun and Master’s other teachings emanating different colored light. The words moved up and down. They glowed as I read. I also saw the molecules and atoms in my body in beautiful patterns. I even saw beings in molten steel.

As I continued to study the Fa, my xinxing kept improving, and so did the scenes that I could see with my celestial eye. My soul did not have to walk anymore and could fly freely everywhere in other dimensions. I once again went to a Heavenly Palace where I was stopped the first time. This time, I was welcome to take a tour inside. Sometimes, divine beings would take me to a heavenly river to bathe. After that, I would feel refreshed and purified, and then I would be allowed to enter certain dimensions.

There were many divine beings in each dimension in the universe. They ignored me when my xinxing level was low. If I did not meet the standards of their dimension, a guardian god who maintained order would not let me stay there. When my level improved, the divine beings greeted me, as well as the stones and walls. There are specific passages leading to different dimensions for beings of different levels. Everyone is designated a passageway to go in and come out. No one is allowed to walk through randomly.

In the human world, a practitioner looks no different from an ordinary person. In other dimensions, our gong (energy) is quite powerful, so powerful that we could easily pull down a 12-story building with one hand. The gong we are allowed to use corresponds to our xinxing level.

Usually, when a practitioner is stuck at a certain level for too long, they might feel unwell, as if they are falling. If one improves one’s xinxing during a tribulation, one will feel very relaxed and comfortable. But if one’s xinxing does not improve to a higher level, that spells trouble, because the next tribulation will be more serious.

Surviving a Cholecystectomy

A few years ago, my wife became seriously ill right after she started to practice Dafa and she eventually passed away. After her death, I felt lonely and chatted with ordinary people on my mobile phone. I also played games online. I even thought of looking for another spouse. I gradually slacked off in my cultivation and went astray. My xinxing thus declined without my being aware of it.

My attachment to human sentimentality lasted for a year or two, and my xinxing remained at a low level. I then realized that a cultivator is very different from an ordinary person, and I started to lose interest in ordinary women. At the same time, I began to feel unwell physically. So I deleted all social media software on my mobile phone. As soon as I did that, three “thumbs up” appeared on my phone screen. I knew that I’d done the right thing.

Before the Chinese New Year this year, I went back to see my 97-year-old uncle in the north. I had not visited him for years, and he was happy to see me. He brought out a bottle wine to celebrate. I completely forgot Dafa’s standards and had a small glass of wine.

I later went to meet a woman, a former classmate of mine, in Shanghai. We chatted online for a long time. I took her home, which was not proper etiquette for a cultivator. This behavior deviated even further from the Fa. Fortunately, Master’s Law Body was watching me and prevented me from doing anything wrong.

After she left the following day, I fell down and couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried. My mind was clear, and I could hear the phone ringing and when someone knocked on the door. I lay on the floor with nothing to eat or drink for four or five days, but I did not feel hungry. I couldn’t see anything with my celestial eye, nor could I feel the rotation of the Falun in my lower abdomen. All my cultivation energy seemed to have left me. My son eventually found someone to pry open the door and helped me to bed.

My ankles began to swell and oozed pus. Then the swelling spread to both legs, and I was incapacitated. Two weeks later, my daughter took me to the hospital. The doctor said that I had a stroke, and I underwent surgery.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I felt that I needed to cultivate really hard. I looked within myself and discovered my obsession to online games. I deleted all the games on my phone.

Three weeks later, I went back to the hospital for a follow-up exam that showed I had stones in my gallbladder. The stones were blocking the bile duct, and I needed to have my gallbladder removed—a cholecystectomy. My father died from this surgery, and my aunt died of an abdominal abscess. My situation was even riskier as I had both conditions. The doctor warned me that I might die on the operating table. With that thought in my head, I recalled Master’s poem,

“…Life or death, they have no attachmentForthright and broad-minded on the road of Fa-rectification” (“Righteous Thought, Righteous Action,” Hong Yin II)

I suddenly felt very calm. I decided to let go of everything and put my fate in Master’s hands. I was given a general anesthesia and they covered my eyes with white cloth. But I was calm and not afraid. My third eye opened again, and I could clearly see the entire operation. After the anesthesia wore off, other patients who’d had the same surgery in the same ward groaned in pain, but I wasn’t in any pain. The surgeon thought it was incredible. I knew Master was protecting me.

Seeing Spectacular Scenes

For the first three days after the operation, I saw spectacular scenes with my celestial eye. I saw myself lying on a huge altar with a stack of Taoist amulets underneath it. I recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Suddenly, all the amulets flew up like flowers and lifted me up to the sky. I also saw a clay Buddha with blinking eyes. I thought that, perhaps, Master was showing me my level after I let go of everything.

I then saw that my body become extremely tall, with my head reaching toward the sky and my feet on the clouds above the earth. I looked down and I could see everything on the earth. I could see whatever I wanted to see as soon as I thought about it. Mountains, seas, and rivers all looked very small.

An advanced being then took me to see the entire earth. We sat in an aircraft, flying over canyons, seas, and high-rise buildings. Wherever we went, the clouds parted. We saw hundreds of places. Next, the advanced being took me to visit the small universe of my own body.

As described in Zhuan Falun, the human body is a small universe, and cultivation is about working the body and tempering the mind. I saw many scenes in other dimensions. In other dimensions, I could cross my legs easily, but I could not sit in the full lotus position in the human world. My ankle was like a junkyard and the trash I’d generated due to the wrong things I did in the human world accumulated there. The nail fungus I had in the human world corresponded to a forest with a serious pest infestation. I also looked at one of my own pores. It was a small black spot at first. It grew bigger and finally was a city like the ones in our human world.

Scenes in different dimensions in the universe constantly appeared before my eyes. Some dimensions had no sun, but were covered in beautiful flowers and grass. In some dimensions there were no flowers or grass, just high-rise buildings. Some dimensions held big celebrations. I could enter any dimension I wished, and see different things. Every scene was indescribable.

From this sickness karma, I enlightened to the seriousness of cultivation and realized the extraordinary power of Dafa. I am convinced that huge changes happen in other dimensions when we study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts. We must believe in Master even though we cannot see or feel any changes. Only when a tribulation comes do we have the opportunity to improve our xinxing. Our bodies in other dimensions can then change. Thus, a tribulation is not a stumbling block to our cultivation—it is an opportunity to ascend on our cultivation path.