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Ottawa, Canada: Improving Together Through Experience-Sharing Conference

June 26, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondent Yingzi

(Minghui.org) A Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference was held in Ottawa on June 23, 2024, at the University of Ottawa. Fourteen practitioners talked about their understandings of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and how to apply these principles in their daily lives and in various projects. By eliminating attachments and cultivating themselves diligently, these practitioners were able to tell people the facts about Falun Dafa and help save them. Several practitioners talked about their understandings of “The Ordeals Our Spiritual Discipline Faces” and “Wake Up,” two recent articles written by Falun Dafa’s founder, Master Li.

A Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference was held at the University of Ottawa on June 23.

Practitioners talked about their cultivation experiences.

Righteous Thoughts

Mr. Wang is a coordinator. He said he had a strong ego and looked down on others. This caused other practitioners mental stress and also caused conflicts. After realizing he was causing problems, he sincerely apologized to the other practitioners and resolved the issue.

He was doubtful about a project he led last autumn. As a result, the global performance of that project fell sharply. Realizing this was related to his human notions, he strengthened his righteous thoughts and constantly tried new approaches. The problems were resolved in the end.

Along with other lessons he learned over the years, Mr. Wang came to understand that the real problem was not the issues he encountered; rather, they were tests to see if he had faith in Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “By overcoming these human notions and attachments, we are able to see the power of Dafa. With wisdom from Dafa, we are able to come up with new ideas and the situation will change. That will, in turn, give us more confidence until we solve the problems,” he said.

Telling People about Dafa

Mr. Lei, a scientist, began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. Over the past more than 10 years, he has gone on business trips to many European cities, which gave him opportunities to tell people about Dafa. He was able to promote Shen Yun performances in Vienna and, in Italy, tell a president of a prestigious Chinese university the facts about Dafa. He spoke with Chinese tourists at a restaurant in Florida and helped them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations.

Going through security at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Mr. Lei saw a Chinese student but did not have time to talk to him about Dafa and was very disappointed. When he boarded the plane, he was surprised to see the student was seated next to him. They talked about Falun Dafa and the CCP’s defamatory propaganda. By the time they landed in Montreal, the student had not only agreed to quit the CCP organizations but had also read part of Falun Gong on his phone.

From this experience, Mr. Lei enlightened that, as long as we have the heart to help save people, Master will arrange opportunities for us.

New Practitioner

Ms. Su, a student in Ottawa, noticed a Shen Yun booth in a shopping mall. After talking with a practitioner for two hours, she learned the facts about Falun Dafa and renounced her membership in the CCP organizations. After she began reading Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, she said, “This book is great. All my questions I had for the past 20 years were answered. This is what I am looking for.”

Ms. Su encountered many tests after she began practicing. Fortunately, the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance guided her to overcome each one. Seeing the positive changes in her, her younger brother also got rid of his bad habits.

“As a practitioner, I can’t fool around in this human world. I have Master and I know what to do. As long as I follow the path Master arranged, I know I have nothing to worry about,” Ms. Su said.

Test of Life and Death

Ms. Zhang was hit by an SUV. She was knocked down and trapped under it. Fortunately, the SUV stopped. She was grateful to Master for his protection, and after she returned home, she continued doing the exercises and household chores. But when she told the driver there was no need to file an insurance claim, his attitude change dramatically, and Ms. Su became upset. In the end, she reminded herself she was a practitioner and decided to forgive him. She set aside her resentment.

Ms. Zhao also told how she eliminated resentment. Because her family had always mistreated her, she felt wronged and always complained. These negative feelings were so strong that they even affected her cultivation. After thinking about it, Ms. Zhao said, “I should be thankful for those opportunities. Without them, I probably would not be able to repay those karmic debts and practice Falun Dafa today.”

When they shared their stories, many practitioners said that only by cultivating solidly can we live up to Master’s expectations. Every practitioner said they learned a lot from listening to other practitioners’ experiences.