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Romania: People Support Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution

June 26, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Romania

(Minghui.org) During the month of June 2024, practitioners in Romania hosted informational events in the cities of Iași and Constanța to tell people about Falun Dafa and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes the spiritual discipline. Many young people stopped by to express their support.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, introduced Falun Dafa, and told people about the persecution in Iasi on June 8.

People read the information boards, got leaflets, talked to practitioners, and signed the petition to stop the persecution in Constanța on June 16.

On June 8, practitioners demonstrated the exercises and distributed Falun Dafa flyers to passersby in Iași. On June 16, the practitioners set up an informational booth on the seafront in the city of Constanța. They collected signatures on their petition condemning the persecution. The petition was addressed to the president of Romania.

At both locations, passersby stopped to inquire about the situation. In Constanța, they showed their support by signing the petition. Someone said, “It is very good what you are doing.”

Young people in Iasi expressed support for Falun Dafa.

Young People in Constanța Support Practitioners

Roxana (second from right) and her friends from Galați expressed their support for Falun Dafa at the event in Constanța.

Roxana and her friends from Galați commented on the beauty of the underlying principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. She said it would be nice if the world would be sensitive to what is happening in China. “It is very good what you are doing to draw attention to the persecution of good people by the CCP,” she said.

Ema and her grandparents support Falun Dafa at the event in Constanța.

Ema was walking with her grandparents when she saw the Falun Dafa signs and asked what they represented. She read about it and wanted to know more about the practice. Practitioners told her about Falun Dafa’s teachings and gave her a copy of the book The Lotus Story, which was written by practitioners to teach children to be honest, kind, and patient. To show her support, Ema and her grandparents posed for a picture in front of the practitioners’ display.

Miruna, who is 14 years old, agreed with Falun Dafa’s values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “I think we should tolerate [people who hurt us] and not respond the same way as those who do us wrong,” she said.

Maria learns about the CCP’s persecution.

After talking with a practitioner, Maria learned about the persecution and supported practitioners’ peaceful protest. She said, “What practitioners have done in China is impressive.”

“Only practitioners can do something for China.”

Mihai reads the display board to learn about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Mihai said he knew the situation in China. He said that the country was like a camp where freedom of expression is “suppressed and controlled” by the CCP: “What is happening in China is very serious. Only they, the practitioners, can do something for China, because only they show the facts that are taking place there and the danger to which we are all subjected.”

Mrs. Toma (right) and her friends support Falun Dafa.

A group of women who signed the petition had a long talk with a practitioner. Mrs. Toma told how she has suffered all her life because of communism. She came from Basarabia, Romania, and when Stalin set the border in 1940, he included Basarabia in the USSR, and she found herself separated from her relatives overnight.

“Communism did nothing but harm wherever it went, and people suffered,” she said. Mrs. Toma wished that there would be no more suffering in China or Russia, where there is still communism, and that, “there would be peace and people would be allowed to lead their lives normally, allowed to practice their faith.”

Destiny had her photo taken in front of practitioners’ display to express her support.

Destiny saw the information and asked a practitioner about Falun Dafa. She also read the leaflet and said, “The world is resisting communism, which is a good thing.”

Irina signs the petition.

Irina received a flyer and went to the booth to learn about the practice. She signed the petition and encouraged practitioners to continue their efforts.

Falun Dafa practitioners from Romania and the Republic of Moldova talk with people in Iași on June 8.

Practitioners hand out leaflets to passersby in Constanța on June 16.