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My Father Recovered from Cancer After Sincerely Reciting “Falun Dafa Is Good”

June 24, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) My father is in his 70s and was a county-level leader in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before he retired. He was the top person in charge at his former workplace. Before the CCP began to persecute Falun Dafa, my parents saw the benefits that practicing Dafa brought me and knew that practitioners are good people. They also knew the practice improved people’s health. 

My father was very supportive and let us use the meeting rooms at his workplace to study the Fa and share understandings. My mother planned to practice cultivation, too. However, after the persecution, I was illegally detained and subjected to forced labor and sentenced to prison on many occasions for refusing to give up my faith. 

My father and family were under a lot of pressure and were terrified of the CCP. Furthermore, as a result of the CCP’s long-term propaganda demonizing Dafa, they did not understand why practitioners explained the facts of Dafa and the persecution to people; they thought this was “getting involved in politics.” My father refused to renounce his Party membership and my mother was too scared to practice Dafa.

Practitioners tried very hard to get my father to read materials explaining the facts of the persecution. He understood that the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident was staged and knew the CCP was crooked. In recent years, my father’s university classmate who lives overseas often sent him information exposing the corruption within the Party. Over time, my parents changed their opinions of the Party.

I told my father about the water crystal experiments done by Dr. Masaru Emoto. When water crystals received positive messages, the crystals became pretty; when they were given negative messages, the crystals turned ugly. The same applies to the human body. My father thought this was true. He kept many books written by the CCP leader at home. I said, “These books talk about fighting with Heaven and Earth; they are all lies and are useless. They give off a bad energy field.” I suggested he get rid of the books and indeed, my father took my advice.

After he retired, my father’s health worsened year by year. In 2021, he began to read Zhuan Falun after I spent a lot of time talking to him about Dafa. I told him to read the book cover to cover in one go and said that if he didn’t, it’d be hard for him to finish reading it later on. However, while he was reading Lecture Six, he ran into a police officer who gave him a flier vilifying Dafa. My father’s grandfather was a landlord and was shot to death during the CCP’s political campaign against landlords. My father went through the Cultural Revolution and now he had to suffer the pressure of the persecution of Dafa practitioners. He immediately became nervous when he saw the flier and was afraid to continue reading Zhuan Falun.

In 2022, out of concern for his health and because he felt I was truly looking out for him, my father quit the CCP using an alias. During the early days of the COVID pandemic, he caught the virus. I knew he was deeply deceived by the Party’s brainwashing of atheism. Furthermore, the long-term lies from the CCP made him think he should be grateful to the Party for his successful career and the deputy department-level treatment he received. This could be the reason he caught the virus. Yet, as he had already read half of Zhuan Falun and withdrew from the Party, he managed to recover from the virus despite his underlying health problems.

One morning in 2023, a vivid thought came into my mind: my father will pass away in the Chinese New Year. I was astounded. I initially thought it would be my father-in-law, who was already 90 years old and in poor health. Sentient beings came to Earth for the Fa. My father-in-law has not totally accepted Dafa and has such a great predestined relationship with Dafa practitioners. He, too, must be a remarkable being and should not pass away at this time. I immediately sent righteous thoughts to eliminate this arrangement.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, my father suddenly said he felt discomfort in his heart and asked me to book an appointment with the hospital for a CT scan. I quickly asked my father to recite the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good,” and, “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” and he did just that. After the checkup, his health was fine and I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, helped him. My father was able to think of the phrases at the critical moment, and out of compassion, Master helped him.

In July 2023, my father was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. The cancer had already spread to all parts of his body except for the bones. In addition, he had other serious underlying illnesses, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Experts in major hospitals in the city were reluctant to operate on him to remove his cancerous tissues and suggested he go for chemotherapy. After consulting with other doctors, my family learned that chemotherapy may damage other parts of his body while killing the cancer cells. Furthermore, there was not enough time to send my father to the provincial hospital for treatment.

I asked Master to save my father and give him time to understand Dafa more in-depth. The next day, I received good news. A local doctor with a good reputation said he’d operate on my father to remove his cancerous tissues.

My father was anxious. I quickly sent him a new MP3 player that he could hang on his neck to listen to Minghui radio. I downloaded many stories of cancer patients recovering from their illnesses through reciting the auspicious phrases. I said, “Father, from now on, recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,’ a hundred times every day. You will get better.” He agreed as if it was his last hope and recited it 100 times daily without fail. I asked him to relax and not worry too much about his illness. My uncle who lived in another area came to help my father and encouraged him to take things lightly as well.

After he began reciting the phrases every day, my father observed it was easier for him to calm down. Our family members were impressed by how tranquil he was. I told him he must remember to recite the phrases on the operating table and he agreed. After eight long hours of surgery followed by 24 hours of observation in the ICU, the operation was a great success. My father said he recited the phrases non-stop before the operation. Seven days later, he was able to go home. The doctor thought his recovery was much better than expected.

In order to protect the nerves, some cancerous tissues were not completely removed during surgery. The doctor told my father he must take special medication at home to suppress the cancer cells. My father began to worry, as he knew the medication had major side effects and could lead to damage of the nerves in his brain. Our family members were also worried about the side effects the medications could have. I suggested reciting the phrases more often daily as the power of Dafa cannot be compared to medication. After talking it over with our family, they decided my father should not take the medication and should switch to Chinese medicine instead. My mother believed Chinese medicine was gentler and more complete than Western medicine. It turns out my uncle’s wife got an appointment with a doctor who is experienced in Chinese medicine and had a great reputation.

Two weeks after my father came home from the hospital, the results from the first blood test showed his cancer cells were slightly reduced. Everyone was elated. This meant he made the right decision not to take the medication. My father treated us and my sister’s family to dinner. He said my recommendation to recite the phrases was indeed effective. My mother also admitted that my father was more relaxed after reciting the phrases and that it was crucial to his recovery. She also told everyone excitedly that she expressed her gratitude to Master in her diary. This brought me great comfort, because I was persecuted many times and my family had suffered tremendously. Now that my mother changed her attitude, it was such a relief.

I downloaded a publication titled “Understanding” from the Minghui website for my father to read. It has a lot of information combining modern scientific research findings and ancient Chinese medicine’s quest into the human body and the universe. My father loved the stories and told me they were like myths yet combined with modern science. He planned to read the publication a few times. Every day, he walks 10,000 steps and recites, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.”

Two months later, my father’s test results showed he was better. By the third month, nearly all his cancer cells were gone. The doctor said it was unbelievable.

Now, my father has already made it a habit to recite the phrases. I sent him a copy of Zhuan Falun, as well. Last year, just before the New Year, he overcame all kinds of interference and finished reading Zhuan Falun once. He still reads the book in his spare time. My whole family witnessed his recovery from cancer and started to believe in the power of the phrases. Last year, my 90-year-old father-in-law fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. My father even called him on the phone to suggest he also recite the phrases.

Looking back at the process where my father broke away from the CCP and accepted the truth of Dafa bit by bit, I felt Master’s perfect arrangement and compassionate protection. My father’s cancer diagnosis made him believe in the power of “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” and helped my family accept Dafa. Thank you, Master!