(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland gathered in Salzburg and Linz to hold information day events during the last two weeks of May 2024. Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to people and exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. In Salzburg, practitioners also held a truth-clarification motorcade parade.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises at the old town square in Salzburg, Austria on May 18 and 19, 2024.

Falun Dafa information day event in Linz, Austria on May 25, 2024

Salzburg: Motorcade Parade Draws Attention

Practitioners held an information day event on May 18 and 19 in Salzburg’s old town. On May 18, practitioners decorated their cars with boards which had information about Falun Dafa and the persecution, and formed a motorcade parade which circled the old town twice with a police car leading the way.

This day was the Christian Pentecost, and the Salzburg Festival Theater also held a classical music performance, so this city of rich culture and history was bustling and lively. Practitioners assembled a 12-car convoy to drive around the old town for more than three hours. Many tourists were drawn to the informational display boards on the roofs of the cars and took photos of the convoy.

Salzburg Resident: “Is this the way to heaven?”

Many people came to the practitioners’ booth to learn about Falun Dafa and the CCP’s persecution. Seeing that practitioners could meditate so quietly in a crowded downtown area, people asked what kind of exercise this was and where they could learn it. After they were told that the CCP has been persecuting practitioners who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance for nearly 25 years, many people were shocked and signed a petition to stop the persecution.

A gentleman saw practitioners doing the exercises and wanted to know what Falun Dafa was. A practitioner told him that the guiding principles of Falun Dafa are Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, and that practitioners follow these principles to become good people and better people, while also improving their bodies and minds. The gentleman was surprised to hear this and said, “Is this the way to heaven?”

A lady who has been to China said that she admired the friendliness and kindness of the Chinese people. She also knew that some of the actions of the Communist government were criticized, but only after speaking to practitioners, did she realize that the CCP’s persecution of the Chinese people had reached such an outrageous level. She signed the petition to stop the persecution and said she hopes her signature helps the Chinese people.

Practitioners in Linz: Ending the persecution starts with each of us

Falun Dafa practitioners, mostly young practitioners, set up a truth-clarification booth on a commercial street in Linz, Austria on May 25. The sight of young people quietly meditating and doing the exercises attracted the attention of many passers-by. After learning that there would be a free nine-day Falun Dafa class in Linz in June, many people signed up.

Passersby spoke with practitioners at the information day event in Linz, Austria on May 25, 2024.

Young practitioners joined the information day event in Linz, Austria on May 25, 2024.

Anahita is 23 years old and started practicing Falun Dafa when she was a child. She said that Falun Dafa has been very beneficial for her and helps her maintain a calm mind to deal with various difficulties. For example, when the other person is emotional, Anahita asks them what she or he wants to say: “I want others to know that I am willing to work with them to find a solution, rather than arguing with them.”

When talking about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa, she said, “We all hope that this persecution ends as soon as possible! I think it starts with each of us, starting with small things. Then, we can have an impact on the overall situation.”

“Free My Parents”

German Falun Dafa practitioner Ding Lebin shared his family’s personal experience of being persecuted during the information days in Salzburg and Linz. Both of Ding’s parents are practitioners. His father was imprisoned, and his mother lives under police surveillance. Many people signed a petition to condemn the persecution and took photos holding up display boards that read “Free My Parents” to show their support for practitioners.

People took photos while holding up display boards that read “Free My Parents” to show their support for practitioners.