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The Path of Validating Falun Dafa Is Becoming Wider and Smoother

June 13, 2024 |   By Mingyue, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998 when I was 28 years old. Since then compassionate Master has been protecting me, helping me achieve breakthroughs in cultivation, and finding happiness.

After I read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, I knew that this was what I was looking for. A family member who is also a practitioner, but lives in another city told me, “It’s highly recommended that you study more of the Fa.” At that time, I cultivated alone. It wasn’t until 2003 that I got in touch with another local practitioner. This practitioner helped me tremendously in my cultivation.

I was able to set up my own family material production center. My child was young and required a lot of care, and I was busy with work. But I cultivated very diligently and printed informational materials almost every day. I also had to take care of household chores like laundry and cooking. I was so busy that it felt like I was always on the run.

Both my husband and I earned low wages, and our lives were rather simple. I was energetic. I studied the Fa, did the exercises, cultivated, and strictly followed the requirements of Dafa’s principles. Either during my lunch break, in my spare time at work, or on the bus, I read or recited the Fa. But, when I had questions, it was very difficult for me to find practitioners to share with. I asked myself, “If it were a God who ran into such an issue, what would he think, or do?” Because of this thought, I got the answer immediately.

Facing Health Problems

An accident caused me to hemorrhage in 2005. Because of heavy bleeding, I couldn’t see the veins in my hands. At that time, I decided to leave my life in Master’s hands.

I went to work every day as usual. I went grocery shopping, did household chores, and clarified the truthabout Dafa and the persecution to people. At that time, only my mother and another local practitioner knew my situation, whereas no one else noticed anything wrong with me. But the bleeding didn’t stop. At 6 p.m. on the 21st day after it first started, when I sent forth righteous thoughts, I felt Master remove a big, dark cover from me. After I finished sending righteous thoughts, I told my mother, “I’m fine now!” Master gave me a new life.

A few days later, my sister called me, saying, “I dreamed that you died miserably in a washroom.” I understood that because I passed the life-and-death tribulation I made a breakthrough in my cultivation.

Coordinating With Others to Rescue Fellow Practitioners

My mother who is also a practitioner was arrested after she joined a Fa-study group in 2016. Because of this, I participated in rescuing a fellow practitioner for the very first time. The practitioners and non-practitioners in my family worked together to demand her release.

When confronting the police, procuratorate and juridical system, I felt a lot of pressure, as I had never dealt with them. I knew this was something I must face. I must hold myself to a practitioner’s standard and walk my path steadily.

At first, I hired a human rights lawyer for my mother. But my family members were against that. Thus, they not only didn’t help chip in for the legal expenses, they said the lawyer cheated us and just wanted to earn money. They thought hiring a lawyer would be counter-productive. Even though I wasn’t well off financially, I felt I should spend the money to pay for the lawyer. Through the lawyer, we could understand the case better and communicate with my mother. By keeping in touch with her, she could maintain righteous thoughts. But I also knew that I shouldn’t rely on the lawyer, but rather play the main role myself.

Ms. Ding is a coordinator, she asked everyone in our family to write a letter to inspire kindness in the officials, using our real names. I put my heart into writing it up and spent two days on it. Out of self-protection, I wrote in a very soft tone, which was a reflection of my cultivation at that time.

Ms. Ding also pulled together many documents concerning the legalities for us to study. Through using the law to oppose the persecution, I completely understood the crime committed by some members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On the surface, they seemed to follow the legal procedure, but they ended up breaking the law in every aspect. In addition, most people who worked in the legal system didn’t know the truth about the persecution. One practitioner helped us prepare a defense statement in order to clarify the facts from multiple angles. He also made it clear that the caseworkers were the ultimate victims.

Ms. Ding printed multiple copies of our truth-clarification letters, relevant legal documents, the statement of defense, and put them into different file folders. At that time, I didn’t know what functions the public prosecutors and law enforcement agencies were responsible for, what they did, or how we would tell them the truth. There were so many things I needed to learn.

I studied the Fa and did the exercises every day. As I had to work, at that time, when I asked for days off, my boss showed his understanding. I used Dafa’s standards to measure my thoughts and actions at all times, I set my starting point right when doing things, eliminating my fear, letting go of my sentimentality, and had a compassionate wish to save people. We decided to deliver the materials to the district 610 Office.

That morning, about twelve family members and practitioners participated in rescuing my mother. The oldest practitioners were in their 70s. One practitioner brought her granddaughter who had just turned one year old. We all sat in the hallway of the appeals office, waiting for the 610 Office staff to get the materials, but no one came.

Ms. Ding then took us to the entrance of the district Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and told the security guards that we wanted to submit our materials and see the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission. But no one received us that morning. We noticed many staff members walking in and out of the appeals office. They looked nervous when they saw us. All the practitioners decided to stay. We encouraged each other and quietly sent righteous thoughts. By afternoon, there were only us and the plainclothes police. We were not moved.

I stood up and shouted to another practitioner, “Did you know so-and-so Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission jumped out of the building (to commit suicide)?” She saw my intent and replied, “He must have done something terrible.” A staff member hurried out and told us that someone would soon receive us.

In the end, the people who came to receive us were officers from Domestic Security Division, but no one from the 610 Office. They took the file folder and kept checking it. Everyone in the hall stared at us.

I told the officers, “The Constitution protects people’s freedom of belief.” They remained silent. My family members demanded the officials release my mother and allow her to go home. One officer said, “What I say doesn’t count.” A practitioner told him, “Please don’t persecute practitioners, it’s not good for you.” The police headed out and drove away.

Ms. Ding said, “We’ll go to the procuratorate to hand in the materials.” When we arrived at the reception, as soon as the security guard saw us, he called the prosecutor who was assigned to handle the case, “Please come and take the materials. So-and-so’s daughter brought a group of people.” We went there previously to hand in materials, but they always refused to take them. This time, we successfully handed the materials to the procuratorate.

Ms. Ding told us, “It’s almost five o’clock, let’s go separately to the two police stations to hand in materials.” I’d been to one of the police stations a few times, and knew the director’s name, so I wrote it on the file folder. When I got there, I was able to hand in the file folder successfully.

We were happy, as the situation of rescuing practitioners and people was gradually opening up.

The Deputy in Charge of the Domestic Security Division

During the rescue process, when I felt that I lacked righteous thoughts and encountered interference from other dimensions, practitioners showed up to send righteous thoughts for us. When we didn’t know how to move forward for the next step, Master arranged practitioners to help us. When we were not clear on the relevant legal issues, the lawyer addressed the issues for us. When we walk our path righteously and well, Master helps us.

It was more than six months since the case began. It went back and forth between the procuratorate and the police station. We sometimes worked with one another, sometimes we worked alone, and used all kinds of ways to clarify the facts to people. One senior practitioner wrote to the deputy director of the Domestic Security Division. After she finished writing, she took a cab to deliver it to him in person. Reading the letter, my eyes became teary. One of the sentences in her letter was: If you didn’t persecute Falun Dafa, you’d be the most carefree person.

One day, a practitioner’s husband told us, “You should go to the procuratorate, find the case handler, and ask why the arrest was approved.”

This time we worked as a team. In the morning, nearly ten of us went to the procuratorate. When we arrived we told the prosecutor, “We want to see the case handler who approved the arrest of our family member.” After the prosecutor helped find the person, a young lady in her 20s came to see us. I said, “Hello prosecutor! We came here to ask you: What’s your grounds for having our family member arrested?” She replied, “You just want to know about that? Then please wait, I’ll go pull that out for you.”

She left. She came back holding a thick book. When she flipped to a certain page, she pointed at one article and the judicial explanation, telling us, “These are the grounds for having her arrested.” I had a practitioner’s daughter take a picture of it with her cell.

We asked her, “This is not the law, how could you use that to have our family member arrested?” She was speechless and left. Before she left, I shook hands with her, then said to her with smile, “Thank you for letting me know that my mother was wronged.”

We went to the appeal section in the procuratorate that afternoon, and asked to see the division manager. A man in his 50s came to talk to us. We clarified the facts to him, and he also wanted to know about us. I said, “For you guys to handle our case like that, having our family member wronged, you need to report our situation to your supervisor.” He agreed.

Later we discussed how we needed to change our way of clarifying the facts to the procuratorate. We thought that by mailing the truth-clarification letters to the procuratorate, they would understand the truth.

During the process of rescuing practitioners, we often shared on the Fa principles, and decided to sue the deputy team leader of the Domestic Security Division collectively.

We used the criminal complaint template downloaded from the Minghui website. Based on the evidence provided by the prosecutor, we wrote a criminal complaint letter and successfully handed it over to the municipal procuratorate, so that people who saw it would learn the truth. We also went to the provincial inspection team, where we handed in a criminal complaint letter and the relevant informational materials.

At the end of the year, the criminal complaint was filed at the Police Bureau. The deputy head of the Domestic Security Division called me, asking me to help cancel the criminal charges that we filed. This was an 180-degree change in his attitude.

My Mother Comes Home Save and Sound

I worked with my family members. We used couriers to mail the well-organized informational materials to government agencies at the provincial and municipal level, and the political, procuratorate and judicial departments. We also went to all the departments we could think of to appeal and hand in materials. When I went with practitioners to the municipal government to look for the Secretary of the Political and Juridical committee, I was threatened by a group of people. They said, “We are clear now, you want readdress for Falun Dafa.” But we said what we had to say. We came home after having handed in the materials.

At that time, I often faced tangible and intangible pressure. I made up my mind, chose to let go of life and death and move forward. When facing sentimentality towards my mother, I thought, “I’m a Dafa practitioner, I have Master to take care of me. Even though my mother is in the detention center, she is also a practitioner, Master also takes care of her. What can I not let go?”

I told myself: I’ll save more people. With that, the path of validating Dafa became wider and wider, my heart also became brighter and brighter. Cultivation is truly miraculous and sacred, we are so fortunate to be practitioners.

In the end, the procuratorate withdrew my mother’s case three times, but the police still refused to release her. I called the procuratorate office, and the prosecutor told me, “We are determined not to accept your mother’s case. Hurry up and put pressure on the police to demand her release.” When the case reached this stage, my family members who had previously opposed me were siding with me. Every one of them took the initiative to ask for leave to go to the Security Department to ask for her release.

A few days later, my mother came home safe and sound. A month later, the police threatened me and my family in order to get us to sign the “bail-out agreement”. Empowered by Master, I refused them. I told my family, “We didn’t violate the law, don’t be afraid of them.” In the end, the police officer stopped harassing us.

On one’s cultivation path, whether to cultivate diligently or not is one’s choice. I told myself: I should continuously improve my cultivation so I can save more people. I must treasure this precious time left for me, and follow Master’s requirements.