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Falun Dafa Practitioner in Her 90s Expresses Her Gratitude to Master Li

June 12, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m 91 years old this year. I feel fortunate to have encountered Falun Dafa in my senior years and I thank Master for guiding me to walk on the path of spiritual elevation. Despite my age, I still work with fellow practitioners to distribute informational materials and talk to people face to face to raise awareness about the persecution. 

I’d like to share some amazing experiences that happened in the early years of my practicing Falun Dafa.

It was in the winter of 1994. I had not started to practice Dafa yet, but my neighbor was a practitioner. One day I saw the mark of a lotus flower leaf on my window. I tried to wipe it off, but couldn’t. The next day, a different mark of another lotus flower leaf appeared. I asked my neighbor to take a look and we were both amazed.

Feeling that I had a predestined relationship with Dafa, she recommended that I practice. I wasn’t interested and found an excuse to give her. She later brought me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and a portrait of Master Li. I skimmed through the book and realized that Master has very high-level energy. 

Although I didn’t practice Dafa, I liked to look at Master’s portrait to pay respect. One day while I was looking at the portrait, Master’s fashen (law body) walked out of the frame. I was very excited and almost cried. For the next 50 minutes, Master’s fashen appeared a total of seven times. I told my neighbor about it and decided to practice Dafa. 

One day, I suddenly felt something spinning in my lower abdomen. I didn’t know what it was. I tried to stop it, but two more Faluns appeared around me, as big as basketballs. I felt the Falun spinning for over two years. Then I had five days of intense body purification. All of my ailments disappeared afterward and I haven’t felt the Falun spinning since then. But I can still see the Falun spinning around me from time to time, in different sizes. Another time while doing the meditation, I saw a lotus flower the same as the one on the back cover of Zhuan Falun. It appeared three times and then went away.