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[Celebrating Falun Dafa Day] My Whole Family Is Blessed By Falun Dafa

June 1, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am from a large family, and I often encourage my siblings to say, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” I want to tell you about the miracles that my family experienced after they sincerely recited these auspicious phrases.

My Sister and Her Husband are Blessed

My sister used to suffer from life-threatening heart arrhythmia. She couldn’t be left alone because any loud noise caused her to faint. She also had rheumatoid arthritis, and her body was very sensitive to wind. Because of that, she wore padded clothing even on the hottest days of summer. She needed assistance to get around the house and was unable to do any chores or use the bathroom by herself. Someone walking past her could trigger a severe headache.

During the days when the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was at its peak, this sister decided to practice Falun Dafa after seeing the health improvements in me and our other siblings who also practiced. Soon after, all her ailments disappeared, and she began to live a productive life. Our whole family cheered for her.

One year, she and her husband contracted over 90 acres of rice paddy fields. However, after harvesting, it rained continuously for days on end. Unable to thresh the rice, they had no choice but to leave it in the field until the rain stopped. While they were waiting, they learned that their neighbors’ unhusked rice sprouted or began molding.

Worrying about the tremendous financial loss they would suffer if their unthreshed rice became moldy, my sister recited repeatedly, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Her husband also recited with her.

They waited for over two weeks before they got a threshing machine. Half way through threshing the rice, they saw that none of their rice sprouted or was moldy. My sister knew that Master answered her prayer. Even her neighbor found it unbelievable and said to her, “Falun Dafa is good.”

Around the year 2000, my nephew and my eldest sister’s son partnered with a person to collect pine cones and extract and sell the seeds. My nephew, my second sister’s husband, his business partner, and seven of his employees collected a large truckload of pine cones. On their way back, my nephew and his business partner drove their cars in the front while the others, in the truck loaded with pine cones, followed behind.

One segment of the mountain road is known for frequent accidents. Even though they drove cautiously, the truck with eight people ended up rolling down the mountainside. Upon hearing a loud crash, my nephew realized an accident occurred and he hurried to rescue those in the truck. Miraculously, my sister’s husband only sustained two broken ribs, although four people were killed.

After my eldest sister’s husband spoke disrespectfully about Falun Dafa one day, my second sister’s husband immediately corrected him, “Falun Dafa is good. It saved our lives.”

My Sister’s Neighbor Wants to Read the Teachings

My third sister had heart disease and often fainted while working in the rice mill. I gave her information about Falun Dafa so she would know the truth about the persecution. Later, she helped me distribute the materials to her neighbors in the village. I also told her to recite the auspicious phrases frequently, which she did. Since then, her heart disease disappeared and has not recurred.

After her neighbors learned that her long-standing heart problem magically disappeared, they asked her how it happened. She explained, “I recite the two auspicious phrases that my sister told me: Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Witnessing the miracle, one of her neighbors asked her to find a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, for her to read.

Brother Recovers from a Severe Back Injury

When some believers of other religions went to my fourth brother’s house to give him their pamphlets, he emphatically told them, “I only believe in Falun Dafa, which my sister practices.”

While he repaired his house one day, he fell off the roof and severely injured his back. The surgeon inserted steel plates to stabilize his spine. It did not take him long to recover from the surgery. Now, he has returned to a normal life and can work as usual. Spinal injuries usually require rehabilitation and take a long time to heal. I believe that his positive attitude towards Dafa blessed him with a fast and total recovery.

These are some examples of the blessings that my family received by reciting Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. I hope my sharing will inspire more people to sincerely recite these auspicious phrases and receive blessings from Dafa.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)