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Chinese Tourist in Paris: It Turns Out That Quitting the CCP Is Significant

May 9, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Paris, France

(Minghui.org) There has been a steady flow of tourists from China since the beginning of this year and groups of Chinese tourists can be seen arriving one after another at scenic spots, shopping malls, department stores, and places where tour buses park.

I was clarifying the truth to Chinese tourists near a major department store, when I noticed a young woman and two young men waiting for a traffic light. I walked up to them and asked if they were international students from China. They said, “What can we do for you?” I said, “You are lucky to be able to go abroad. I just want to tell you that millions of Chinese already quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.”

They smiled and listened. I said, “When we joined the Communist Young Pioneers in elementary school, the Youth League in high school, and the Communist Party, we had to raise our fists and swear to fight for communism all our lives and dedicate our lives to the Party. You all know that communism was created by a European, Karl Marx. But we are the sons and daughters of China. We should not betray our motherland and become the descendants of Marxism-Leninism. Chinese people all know that oaths are binding. I will give each of you a pen-name to withdraw from the Party and nullify the oath.”

They happily agreed to quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers, two affiliated organizations to the Chinese Communist Party.

I asked them to tell their friends and family to recite two phrases, “Falun Dafa is good,” “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I said that natural disasters and epidemics occur frequently and it is most serious in China. This is not accidental. Heaven will destroy the CCP, so it is a blessing to distance ourselves from it.

I continued to tell them the stories about a stone in Guizhou with Chinese characters formed on it by nature, the the CCP-staged self-immolation at Tiananmen Square, etc. Only then did I notice a circle of Chinese tourists gathered around me and were listening.

The three young people said they were from Beijing and were in their first year of college. Because of the COVID pandemic, they felt very depressed. As soon as they had the opportunity to travel abroad, they set aside their studies and went to Europe. One young man said, “We didn’t come here in vain. You told us some truths. Everything we heard and learned in China were things that were against Falun Dafa and hateful to Falun Dafa. After listening to you today, we understand that Falun Dafa is slandered and harmed by the Chinese Communist Party.”

I said, “You’ve seen the sculptures and paintings in France are very beautiful, but you can only see a little bit of them. Most of them were smashed and destroyed during the Paris Commune by followers of Marxism. Marx was German and worshiped Satan and now he is worshiped as an ancestor by the CCP. The CCP started by usurping the government, killing the landlords, and launching various political campaigns and the Cultural Revolution. It sent an army to kill students in Tiananmen Square in 1989, and now it is persecuting Falun Dafa. It has killed more than 80 million Chinese people.”

A Chinese tourist who looked like he was in his sixties, said, “What you said makes sense and is right. I’ve been listening. China has declined, human and financial resources have been exhausted, and only Falun Dafa is still saving the Chinese people.” He added that he was a member of the CCP and he wanted to quit it.

Just like that, fifteen Chinese people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

One tourist asked when Heaven would destroy the CCP and said that the sooner the better.

I said that when the Chinese people withdraw from the Party, and it no longer has any support, it will naturally fall. Then Heaven will destroy the CCP.

One tourist said, “Wow! It turns out that quitting the CCP is significant!”