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Romania: Practitioners Hold a Series of Activities to Introduce Falun Dafa

May 7, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Romania

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held a series of activities from April 20 to 28, 2024, in Bucharest, the capital of Romania to introduce Falun Dafa and raise awareness of the persecution of the spiritual disciple in China. The activities were dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the April 25 Appeal in Beijing in 1999—the largest peaceful protest from any faith group in Chinese history.

Practitioners set up an information booth in the Cotroceni Shopping Center and Roman Square on April 20 and April 27. They held a peaceful protest at the Chinese Embassy on April 25 and demonstrated the exercises at King Michael I Park on April 26 and April 28. 

Practitioners talked to passersby and provided informational materials about the Falun Dafa practice and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 25-year persecution. Many Romanians expressed their sympathy for the Chinese practitioners. Some said the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance need to be brought back into the schools and to the home. Others said that everyone needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and that Falun Dafa brings hope.

Practitioners set up an information booth near the Cotroceni Shopping Center on April 20, 2024. 

Practitioners peacefully protested in front of the Chinese Embassy on April 25, 2024.

Practitioners demonstrated Falun Dafa exercises at the practice site in King Michael I Park

Practitioners held an information day activity in the Roman Square on April 27, 2024. 

Young Romanian Condemns the Persecution

Antonia is 19 years old and believes that people should learn from each other the things that prove useful and are good for their lives, and that regimes that try to obstruct such a way of life based on communication and collaboration are harmful.

During the event on April 24, 2024, Antonia said, “Every person should be free to think, and not be persecuted for their beliefs.” 

“I think it’s a really good thing for people to share their beliefs and other things they believe about life with others. There have been all kinds of persecution going on in the world. The government has always had a problem with certain groups of people, and it seems to me that we are all trying to change that. But what the Chinese regime is doing is really over the top. Every person should be free to think and do as they feel, and not have something imposed on them or be persecuted for their beliefs,” she said.

Antonia sees the supreme sacrifice made by Falun Dafa practitioners in China as very important, as they believe that the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are basic elements of a dignified way of life for human beings.

“Since a large number of people are defending values like Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, it means that these are really important. If Falun Dafa practitioners in China take it upon themselves to give their lives, be persecuted, or be tormented as a result of holding such values, it’s clear that the values they hold are important,” she said.

Antonia encouraged practitioners in China. “If you feel that what you are doing is right, keep doing it because you know in your heart how your soul feels when you stand for something,” she said.

“Schools need to teach children Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”

Daniela Potcovaru is a 27-year-old mother of two. She came to the Falun Dafa booth in the Cotroceni area on April 20. She believes there should be an international effort to stop the persecution in China. Doing so will reflect the goodness of human beings.

“What you are doing is very helpful, and the more so because you can urge other people to be kinder and give support to their fellow human beings. What is happening in China is very sad,” she said.

Daniela noted that morality is on the decline in Romania and that it should be redressed.

“Principles like Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance should also exist in Romania, they should even be taught in schools, teach children, teach young people, because nowadays young people are very focused on other things that are not very important in life. That is the truth. We need to bring the principles back into schools, but mostly at home. Lessons are needed about kindness, how to behave in society, and about helping others.

Daniela admired the practitioners in China who are still holding onto these good values. “Be strong and with God’s help everything will be fine,” she said. “It’s a sad thing, what’s happening in China. We should all have the freedom to choose what to do with our lives.”

“Falun Dafa brings hope”

Patric and Erica Alexandrescu are siblings and both wanted to learn more about the persecution in China. After listening to the practitioners’ explanations, they said they were very supportive of the practitioners in China.

Patric and Erica Alexandrescu said, “Everyone needs truthfulness, compassion and forbearance”

“People shouldn’t ignore things that give them confidence. Falun Dafa brings hope; in contrast, communism killed many people. Everyone needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and I hope people will be more understanding, because everywhere we need hope. I keep hoping that everything will get better,” Patric said.

“I encourage Falun Dafa practitioners to keep believing that change for the better will come. I pray that people will understand the magnitude of the event and support practitioners. In China, it’s not at all fair what’s happening and as long as justice is not done, it’s certainly not good for anyone,” Erica said.

Nutrition Coach: “You are supporting the well-being of others.”

Mara Popescu, a nutrition and sports coach, was very inquisitive about the large number of practitioners who were there for the event. She enjoyed how practitioners are bringing awareness to the positive values of Falun Dafa in addition to the persecution. 

Mara Popescu told practitioners, “You support the well-being of those around you.”

“I think it’s really nice what you’re doing here, so many people coming together for a mission, I was really curious about why the event was held. I find it very interesting that you have moral principles such as Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and that you ultimately want to support a state of well-being for those around you. Congratulations!” said Mara.

David is seven years old and stopped by the stand with his mother. They were curious about what the practitioners were doing. Seeing the principles and characters in Chinese on the calendar, David was drawn to them and wanted to know what they meant. Finding out that those characters mean Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, his mother told him, “It’s like good behavior. Let’s remember them. They’re very good.”

David and his mother were interested in Falun Dafa.

David’s mother said she heard about the persecution before. “It’s terrible what’s going on in China. It’s total control and that shouldn’t happen.” She encouraged the practitioners to carry on their efforts. She also read the banner about the peaceful discipline being persecuted in China and explained to her son what was happening.

Tasia is nine years old and was walking past the stand with her mother when they received a leaflet. When a practitioner told them about the Falun Dafa principles Tasia said that these principles are similar to when she had a very nice toy that her friend liked very much, and then she gave it to her so that her friend would be very happy.

Tasia and her mother (right) at the Roman Square on April 27, 2024. 

Tasia’s mother said that it is good to respect and promote these principles in order to have a good life and because they are the best principles. Learning that Falun Dafa practitioners are being persecuted in China, she expressed her regret that good people and moral values are persecuted by the communists.