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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] My Happiness Comes from Practicing Falun Dafa

May 31, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Guiyuan in China

(Minghui.org) Greetings, Master. Greetings, fellow practitioners!

I am 64 years old this year, living alone in the countryside, and currently residing in the city where my child works. Relatives and friends say, “Although you live alone and have no income, you still live a carefree and happy life.”

Actually, I practice Falun Dafa and strive to be a good person, yet I have also suffered persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for my belief, including being incarcerated for three years in a forced labor camp. My husband, who did not practice, died due to harassment and intimidation by the authorities. I tell my relatives and friends that “the happiness I experience is given to me by my Master, and you all know that I practice Falun Dafa.” I am grateful to Master and Dafa, who saved me and taught me how to be a good person, a better person, and a person with elevated moral standards—only such a person can be truly happy and enjoy the life I have today. Master teaches us that when faced with conflicts, we should first consider others, putting them before ourselves, as such a life has real meaning.

I have been practicing cultivation for over 20 years but never submitted an article for the May 13 World Falun Dafa Day celebrations. This time, seeing the call for submissions on Minghui.org, I still wasn’t moved, always judging with ordinary human notions that I couldn’t write well, had poor expressive abilities, didn’t cultivate well, and had nothing to write about.

This thinking was already wrong. Submitting this article is Master’s empowerment for practitioners to write. Suddenly, one night, the thought of writing an article appeared in my mind, and I asked myself, “If I hadn’t practiced Dafa, hadn’t been protected by Master, hadn’t achieved the elevation of my moral character, and was tormented by illness, how could I be doing well? How could I say I had nothing to write about? A person full of karma and filth, selfishness, and self-interest, how could they live comfortably and happily?” Realizing this, I feel ashamed for not appreciating Master’s painstaking efforts.

Ordinary people strive for fame and profit and live a painful and tired life. This is what I’ve witnessed happening around me. They don’t want to lose a bit of benefit; they want to be stingy, and they are not even nice to others; even calculating toward their parents, begrudging even a little loss of benefit. They are suffering immensely. If I hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa today, I couldn’t have escaped this reality, and I would be just as tired, suffering, struggling, and not much better off. Most people do bad things for personal gain by any means necessary. I am indeed fortunate that in this chaotic world, I had the good fortune to encounter Dafa, and Master imparted the great universal Fa to His disciples, which made my life fulfilling and happy.

In the process of cultivation, Master cares for me. I am healthy, and Master has borne the karma for me, protecting me along the way. I have many attachments, and Master enlightens and reminds me to move forward. Sometimes I didn’t even know what I did wrong when I encountered interference, but I have come through with Master’s hints and protection. For example, if my exercise movements are not up to par, Master hints at me to correct them, and the interference immediately disappears. I tell fellow practitioners about this, to do the exercises well, to do the three things well, and to keep up with Master’s Fa-rectification process.

When I encounter interference while trying to help Master save people, I recite whatever Fa teaching comes to mind, rectify my every thought, and stay unshaken by human sentiment, coming through under Master’s protection. Such instances are too numerous to count, and fellow practitioners feel the same.

In the community where I live, I clarify the truth to the property management and security staff—I have a predestined relationship with them and tell them about the beauty of Dafa. One security staff told me about a relative of his in the political and legal system, who said that when practitioners went to Beijing to appeal, many Falun Dafa practitioners were secretly detained, and their whereabouts are even now still not known. Upon hearing this, I further explained to him about live organ harvesting, understanding that his relative also knew about it. After understanding the truth, this security staff quit the CCP’s organizations. I told him to remember the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He said he would, and started reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Soon after, this security staff received a blessing and was promoted. He no longer had to stand at the gate and went to the office to be in charge of others.

Master tells us to study the Fa more, as this is the protection for cultivating ourselves well and doing the three things well. Recently, when studying the Fa, I felt very sad inside, feeling Master’s compassion and the difficulty of saving people, which made me feel uncomfortable, and I was still crying while writing this. I can’t express my gratitude to Master in words. Now, I am in a state of studying the Fa like when I first began cultivating; this is also the feeling of every genuine cultivating disciple. I only need to follow Master’s words and do the three things well, not letting down Master's painstaking efforts to save all beings.

Master said,

“Remember my words: Regardless of whether the problem is your fault or not, you should look inside yourself, and you will find a problem. If the matter has absolutely nothing to do with you or doesn’t involve any of the attachments you should break, then that thing would rarely happen to you.” (Teachings at the Conference in Europe)

In recent years, I’ve come to know a fellow practitioner. We have become close, but we had some conflicts related to money. Of this practitioner, I thought: You are practicing Dafa, your family is well-off, yet you are still stingy over such small benefits. I hadn’t realized it was a call for me to let go of human attachments, and examine myself.

On the path of cultivation, I don’t know how many times I’ve stumbled. Watching me anxiously, Master tried all means to enlighten me, not giving up on me. Through studying the Fa more, my xinxing has improved, and I finally let go of attachments. I sincerely feel that every step is inseparable from Master’s protection. Master has worked hard!

For over 20 years, living alone, whenever I felt sad, it was Dafa that arose righteous thoughts in my heart, Dafa that navigated me, Dafa that gave me rebirth, and even my son said that it was Master’s protection that got me through these 20-plus years.

On this day, celebrating the 25th World Falun Dafa Day, on behalf of my son, I also express my heartfelt gratitude to Master for saving His disciple and family members. Thank you, Master! On this beautiful day, I wish Master a happy birthday!

I will follow Master.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)