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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Without Master’s Protection How Could I Be Here Today?

May 31, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who began to cultivate in 1996. Before I began to cultivate, I was in very poor health and often got sick. In my 30s I came down with asthma, which made it hard for me to breathe and move. I even considered suicide to avoid being a burden to my family.

One day, I noticed my neighbors going out every evening. I asked them where they were going. They said, “We’re going to do exercises. Do you want to join us?” I replied, “What kind of exercises? Sure, I’ll go.” So, I went with them, and that’s how I began to cultivate Falun Dafa.

A year passed quickly, and I realized that I hadn’t taken any medicine that winter, and my symptoms had disappeared. I had recovered! I was so happy and grateful to Master Li!

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a massive campaign of slander and persecution against Falun Dafa and its practitioners in 1999. They banned the practice and demanded that practitioners turn in their Falun Dafa books. Some practitioners said, “How can they ban such a good practice? This is not right. We should tell the government the truth.” Some practitioners went to local governments to appeal, while others went to Beijing.

I thought that following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is so wonderful! I should go too. On New Year’s day in 2001, my boss gave us two days off and handed out 200 yuan to each person. I took the 200 yuan and got on a train to Beijing. I arrived at Tiananmen Square given the protection of our teacher. (Editor’s note: At that time, the petition office had become a place for arrests, so it was useless to go there, and one couldn’t even reach it.)

At Tiananmen Square, I saw some practitioners doing the exercises, some holding banners, and others shouting, “Clear my teacher’s name! Clear Falun Dafa’s name! Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Police cars entered Tiananmen Square. They arrested practitioners and pushed them into vehicles.

I was also taken to a police station, where there were practitioners from various regions, speaking different dialects. Some were sharing experiences, and others were reciting Master’s teachings. Someone asked me, “How much money did you bring to Beijing?” I answered, “200 yuan.” They asked, “What will you do when you go back?” I replied, “I haven’t thought about it.” 

After a while, the police took me to the Beijing Liaison Office. Back at the local police station, my husband came to see me. He beat me severely, saying, “We thought you went missing. We’ve been looking for you everywhere. Your father asked me to bring you back, and there’s been chaos at home.” After saying this, he stormed out angrily.

Later, the police came to take my statement: “How many people went to Beijing?” I replied, “I went alone.” The officer looked up sharply and asked, “Why did you go to Beijing?” I answered, “To have fun.” He kicked me, and I immediately corrected myself, “I went to Beijing to validate the Fa.”

The police finished taking my statement and took me to another room. There, I saw several practitioners. In the evening, the practitioners shared their experiences going to Beijing, recited the Dafa teachings, and did the exercises. I couldn’t recite anything and felt extremely uncomfortable, realizing I was still an outsider.

The CCP authorities slandered Falun Dafa, and the public was deceived. I felt I had to tell people the truth about Dafa. So, I clarified the facts about Dafa to everyone I met, from relatives and friends to strangers. I also distributed informational Dafa materials everywhere. During these years, I saw the joy of people who understood the truth. I experienced the heart-wrenching difficulties of family tribulations, the pain of letting go of attachments, the pleasure of elevating in the Fa, and the relief of letting go of attachments.

One morning, while taking my grandson to school, our teacher hinted that I would face difficulty that day as soon as I stepped out the door. I was startled and thought, “What should I do?” The car was already loaded with vegetables to sell, and my grandson needed to get to school with no one else to take him. I had no choice but to turn to Master. I said, “Master, I leave everything in your hands today. Please take care of everything for me.”

After dropping my grandson off at school, I went to the vegetable market. While unloading the vegetables from the car, I noticed several pairs of feet when I bent down. I thought, “Customers have already arrived before I’ve even set up.”

I saw a police car parked in front of me with four or five police officers standing there. In just two minutes, they returned to the car and drove away. I realized it was Master protecting me! I remembered the teacher’s hint that morning and thanked Master for taking care of everything.

Looking back, I realized that during that time I was not diligent and did not pay attention to safety, which exposed my location. When Master saw my faith in him, he helped me resolve the tribulation.

When Master published new articles, fellow practitioners asked if I could get the books because I had a car. At that time, several practitioners in our area had just been persecuted, and I was terrified. My fear prevented me from going, and I made an excuse that my car was too small to carry so many books.

Seeing that I wouldn’t go, three fellow practitioners decided to take the bus, each carrying two bags of books. My heart was afraid; I wanted to go but was afraid.

Master had already seen my heart and sent me a message: “Desperately move forward.” With Master’s encouragement, I went to the materials site. Under Master’s arrangement, I found a way to bring back the teachings in two trips. I was grateful to Master. When I returned home, I felt that a lot of bad substances had been removed from my heart. I was no longer scared.

Once, while fellow practitioners and I were out clarifying the truth, four or five policemen blocked the intersection. I sensed something was wrong, and it was too late to turn back, so I quickly asked Master for help, “Master, please save your disciple.” At that moment, two police officers approached me, and other practitioners quickly walked away. I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts. As a result, the bad people who wanted to arrest us left. Thank you, Master, for saving me again.

I calmed down and looked within: Where were the loopholes? During this period, my heart fluctuated with the external situation. It was dangerous, so I quickly rectified myself. No words in this world can describe Master’s compassion for his disciples.

Looking back on more than 20 years of cultivation, without Master’s care, how could I be here today? Everything was arranged by him, just waiting for us to let go of human attachments and move forward. Thank you, Master, for your protection and compassion.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)