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Canadian Parliament Members Praise Falun Dafa: “An Extraordinary Accomplishment with Very Few Parallels Worldwide” (Part 1)

May 30, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondent Yingzi

(Minghui.org) May 13 marks the 32nd anniversary since Falun Dafa was introduced to the public in 1992 and the 25th anniversary of World Falun Dafa Day. Eleven cities and towns in Canada held flag-raising ceremonies to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, and 104 proclamations and congratulatory letters were received from elected Canadian officials.

The greetings thanked Master Li and Falun Dafa for the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance as well as the positive impact on society. They praised the practitioners for their courage and determination in safeguarding their faith during the harsh persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the past 25 years.

Judy Sgro MP, co-chair of Parliamentary Friends of Falun Gong

Judy Sgro MP, co-chair of Parliamentary Friends of Falun Gong, attended the celebration at Canadian Parliament Hill on May 8, and said she brought greetings on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal caucus. “Let me continue to applaud your tolerance, your belief. Falun Dafa is an exercise that many more Canadians need to do. I thank you for sharing that with us,” she explained. “Because it is a way to promote a peacefulness within, but it also promotes a peacefulness within our country. And I think the more people who practice Falun Gong, the better we are as individuals, and the stronger our country is.”

“We are behind you, and that you can count on us to stand together with all of you and to continue that kind of sentiment and messaging that you deliver not only in Canada but around the world, because you decrease the violence, and that’s very much needed,” she added.

Scott Reid MP

Nearly two decades ago, Conservative Caucus Chair Scott Reid nominated Master Li as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. He recalled during an interview, “I was impressed by his example leading a movement of millions of people worldwide that is utterly dedicated to pursuing peace in response to persecution peacefully. That is an extraordinary accomplishment with very few parallels worldwide. So, what I thought then, that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, continues to be something that I still believe in.”

Melissa Lantsman MP

Melissa Lantsman MP, deputy leader of the Opposition, said, “Best wishes to Master Li, best wishes to the entire movement of truth, compassion, forbearance and the values that we all hold dear in all of the countries that you practice in but especially in Canada. You are always welcome here and we will continue to fight against the repression. Next, the practitioners face the intimidation that they face here and you will always have friends in the Conservative Party.”

“For over 30 years, Falun Dafa has helped millions of lives filled with benevolence and forbearance. Falun Dafa is also a force for good in our community through its many volunteer and charitable initiatives,” she explained in a congratulatory letter.

Kevin Lamoureux MP

Kevin Lamoureux MP, parliamentary secretary to the leader of the Government in the House of Commons, provided strong support and gave a big push for the S-223 bill passed to prevent forced organ harvesting. He said Falun Dafa Day celebrations raised awareness of the spiritual practice and drew attention to the issue of forced organ harvesting.

He recalled a number of years ago, when he was in Kyiv, Ukraine, he saw practitioners in bright yellow clothes. “And one of the things that I’ve always appreciated over the years, this time of year, on Parliament here, one day is recognized when people come up, whether it’s sunny or rain, just speaking the truth and making sure that people understand what’s taking place in other areas in the world really does matter. Your contributions today mean a great deal to all parliamentarians of all political parties,” he continued.

Garnett Genuis MP

Garnett Genuis MP, co-chair of Parliamentary Friends of Falun Gong and Shadow Minister for International Development, Conservative Party, thanked practitioners for their continued efforts to stop the persecution. “You preserve the beauty of China’s traditional culture, something that the communists have sought to distort and destroy. You preserve that culture and also advocate for human rights and justice. Indeed, you worked for the core Falun Gong principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance,” he said.

James Bezan MP

James Bezan, vice chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defense and senior Conservative MP, wished Master Li a happy birthday. He said, “Thank him for his amazing work and for his resilience.” “Stay strong. Your values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance all mount up to a peaceful existence and one that we all should emulate. And by doing that, you know, mainland China would be much better off if they embraced it as well. And definitely, it’s making us stronger here in Canada,” he continued. “So thank you, to all of you as our ongoing practitioners on World Falun Dafa Day.”

Michael Cooper MP

Michael Cooper MP, vice chair of Canada-China Legislative Association, said during a recent interview, “Around the world Falun Dafa is a movement for good. Falun Dafa practitioners stand behind the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. And it is those principles that are principles for good that are at the very antithesis of the communist regime in Beijing. It is why they are lined out for practitioners who are being persecuted, because they dare stand up for those principles against a brutal and evil regime.”

Dan Muys MP

Dan Muys MP thanked the founder of Falun Dafa and honored Falun Dafa Day. He wanted to send this message to everyone around the world - In Canada we have freedom of belief, but that is not the case in other parts of the world. We pay special attention to those peace advocates who uphold Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and their voices should not be suppressed.

Yvan Baker MP

Yvan Baker MP, member of the panel of chairs for the legislative committees, said at Canadian Parliament Hill on May 8, “Falun Gong is a meditation based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. And these are values that we all share.” He said, “In Canada, we also treasure our values of openness and diversity.

“I’d like to thank the practitioners of Falun Dafa for the meaningful and significant contributions you have made to this cause but also to Canada,” he added.

Colin Carrie MP

Colin Carrie MP thanked practitioners for the messages and their support to democracy, human rights, and citizens’ freedom. He thanked the founder of Falun Dafa for spreading Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance across the world. “I want to wish you all the best in the years to come,” he said.

Philip Lawrence, Member of Parliament (MP) for Northumberland-Peterborough South, wrote in a letter, “Here in Canada, the Falun Gong community has generously shared the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, offering free exercise classes and fostering a sense of community and shared values. These efforts have made a significant contribution to the health and well-being of Canadians, promoting a more peaceful and tolerant society.

“It is also vital to acknowledge the persecution and hardships faced by Falun Dafa practitioners at the hands of the Chinese communist regime over the past 25 years. Despite the ongoing threats, intimidation, and disinformation campaigns, the community has remained steadfast in its commitment to non-violence and peaceful resistance. It is an inspiration to witness your strength and determination to uphold fundamental human rights and freedoms.

“I commend the Falun Dafa community for its resilience and dedication to promoting universal principles. As you celebrate this special day, your efforts are recognized and appreciated. I wish you continued success and a joyful Falun Dafa Day celebration.”

(To be continued)