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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Oil Painting: Master Gave Me a Second Life

May 30, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


Oil painting 1: Master gave me a second life

The painting shows the real experience of a female Falun Dafa practitioner who went to Tiananmen to unfurl a banner that read “Falun Dafa is good.” But after returning to her hometown, she was beaten to death by members of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 610 Office and her body was dumped in the suburbs. After her soul left her body, she begged Master to let her go back to continue to save people and complete her mission. Compassionate Master used his mighty power to send her soul back to her body. After she regained consciousness and returned home, she recovered her health through practicing the Falun Gong exercises and continued her journey of following Master and saving people.

Oil painting 2: The heart of a Dafa disciple – One day in January 2001. [Chinese characters written on the banner: Falun Dafa Is Good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is Good, Restore the Good Reputation of My Master]

The painting is based on Minghui articles that captured the lived experiences of Falun Dafa disciples who went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to tell the public that Falun Dafa is righteous and that the so-called “self-immolation” was staged by the CCP to defame the practice. The “Tiananmen Square Self-immolation” is a complete lie fabricated by the evil CCP and its media apparatus in 2001 to turn public opinion against Falun Dafa.(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)